David wrote:
Quote:It is possible
that he did indeed sodomize the boys who associated with him.
Unless u actually see him do it or he confesses, u just don 't know for sure.
Being crazy and being a juvenile sodomite are not necessarily the same thing.
aidan wrote:
Quote:Do you mean a sodomizer of juveniles-or a juvenile who sodomizes?
I have no way of knowing whether MJ practiced sodomy during his childhood or not,
but the logic of my reasoning applies to either, regardless of age.
aidan wrote:
But yes - whichever you mean- being crazy and being a sodomizer are not the same thing
Indeed, too many sad souls have attempted to castrate themselves
before thay found their way into mental hospitals. This shows that thay are crazy,
but counterindicates a desire to sodomize children.
aidan wrote:
although neither should be ignored or condoned and both conditions
should have been recognized and/or treated for his sake and for the sake
of all the other people with whom he came in contact - most especially his three children.
Well, as far as condoning insanity is concerned,
I have it upon the authority of a friend of mine, who is a fairly well known psychiatrist, that:
"David, anyone who u
don 't think is crazy is just someone who u
don 't know well enuf"
David wrote:
Quote:How shoud we define "getting too close" to children ?
Is it limited to keeping them out of our beds ?
If any of us has a juvenile guest who is freightened in a thunderstorm,
need we tell him or her "man up, Nancy-- keep away from me" in dread of litigation ?
aidan wrote:
I think the problem arises when you admit that you invite them over to your house
for the sole purpose of sleeping in your bed- without the benefit of conveniently
occurring thunderstorms that scare little children.
In fairness to MJ, he did not admit THAT.
Thay attended his estate to enjoy his amusement park.
I think he also had a zoo. No one alleges that thay went there
for the expressed purpose of sleeping with him.
aidan wrote:
Quote:Just think of how scary it'd be for a little child to be sleeping in a bed with an adult
and for that adult then to want to be 'close' to them- when they
have no idea what that even means yet David...
Yeah; at that age, I had my confidence in a Model 36 Smith & Wesson .38 revolver, within arm 's reach from my bed.
Thay are more trustworthy than adults, or anyone else.
David wrote:
It does indeed appear that he perished from errors of medication.
I think that 's the way his father-in-law went out.
aidan wrote:
Quote:He perished because he was fucked up...big time.
According to Blueflame 's link, the stress of the 1993 molestation allegations
(whose accuser has since
repudiated, confessed to lying and attributed the fraud
to his father's coercion, in an effort to escape poverty)
stressed MJ so badly
that he became addicted to pain relieving medication.
MJ was smeared in the press as a degenerate, when
he was the
victim. Its kinda pathetic.
I 've never been a fan of his music nor dancing, but its a basic question of fairness to anyone.
aidan wrote:
And we, or the members of our society who revere celebrity and okay, talent,
and who continue to excuse and condone maladaptive and dangerous behavior
in celebrities, that we would NEVER excuse in anyone else,
contributed to his demise.
I guess that lets
ME out, since I did not revere him, nor did I oppose him.
I have been neutral about him and I did not contribute to his demise.
He did not consult me. I did not regard him differently because of his fame.
In an environment of freedom sometimes people do dangerous things.
aidan wrote:
Quote:You know what - when a person does something they know is wrong,
despite how they rationalize it at the time they do it- admission
of that and then some sort of change or balancing of the scales
(to make the situation right- and I don't mean paying someone off) can be healing.
Possibly, that can be cathartic.
I must observe that
the usual way of making amends is monetary.
That 's how civil litigation is almost always resolved.
Ofen at first, any financial settlement is emotionally
and adamantly rejected, but that 's not how it ends up.
In my experience, only about 5% of civil cases go thru to judgment.
aidan wrote:
Quote: That's why in AA or NA (narcotics anonymous), for instance,
they have people take an inventory of what they may have done
while they were drunk or stoned and admit to it, and then try
to reconcile with those they may have harmed, as a part of their treatment.
Why do you think so many celebrities continue to NEED self-medicating?
I think its the addictive after-effects of recreational drug use.
aidan wrote:
I think it's because they are never held accountable by anyone else
for their behavior that they know or feel is wrong, and they don't
know how to be held accountable or hold themselves accountable
and so they escape with self-medication.
And then sometimes it kills them.
In my opinion, the behavior for which MJ was held accountable
becoming wealthy. It is possible that he sodomized 1000s
of children, but not the 2 criminals who accused him,
the first of whom admits his lies
and as to the second of whom MJ was acquitted, after the jury
heard the testimony including cross-examination.
MJ cannot prove a negative.
Long before him, many people have liked to believe accusations
of guilt about anything, but especially any crimes involving sex
and more especially so if children are involved. From such accusations,
no one is immune, and after any such accusation,
no one can get all of the tar off him, even if he is acquitted.