I have a long story. So much to tell.
saw soo much
ate so much
had a wonderful time..wonderful wonderful wonderful..
I adore the place, and its a2k inhabitants SO much.
I got one photo for now
the one that was requested.
Unfortunately, the rain was horrid..... well.. it felt quite wonderful actually.
Clothes were soaked , hair dripping.. and I could not use my camera like that. That is the only reason it came out for just a second.
But it says a lot that, I did not have time to regret no photos. It did not even cross my mind until the next DAY , the fact that I had not gotten any photos.
Ohhh.. so happy I am. Backwards my english will be
*and no one even knew

( i will read the thread a bit later. Lots to do. was held over again and just NOW getting home. Should have been here yesterday afternoon. What are the odds eh?!! 2, count them... 2 24+ hour lay overs, a cancellation and rescheduling with in 5 days. Had a wonderful hotel last night on Air tran though. And a plate of 52.00 salmon for dinner + wines with names I could not pronounce, again , on Airtrans' bill... Salmon sucked. Sorry. Wine was nice though.. )