CalamityJane wrote:
I always told her to make sure that she really likes the boy she's kissing as the
memory will stay with her forever, and it should be a good memory she wants
to remember over and over again.
calamity, close your ears because this is not meant as any offense to you
im just plucking your words to use for a rant
But with this kind of idea, thought process, and fanciful beliefs/ideas.. its no wonder our kids are openly exploring stronger sexual behavior younger and younger.
We as adults romanticize kiddo kisses and hand holding to the point of teaching our girls (and boys) to judge themselves by it.
Did you do it right?
was he the 'one'?
Was it 'romantic'?
Dont worry little darling but you will remember this for the rest of your life.
Its one of the best moments of your life
Ohh how adorable.
Was he cute?
Is she pretty?
Do you love him/her?
and blah and blah and blah. Can we say pressure?
Yes kissing and dating at a young age is cool and it IS important.. but we as adults sure do make it sappy. Why dont we focus more on the knowledge part of the sexual behavior like birth control , how our bodies function, and HOW to have sex instead of the Sleeping beauty part of it that leads our girls to think it will be love at first kiss?
I dont remember my first kiss. Probably because it sucked . But I remember good kissers in my life. And it by far was not the most important moment in my life. I remember my first sexual experience too. That was awful as well.

Meaning .. I have had better sex in the past week then I did when I was a kid. But no one told me that experience is what makes it better.. not the boy.
i just wanted to rant. Like usual.