Couple of quotes from Craven:
Quote:Liberals claimed Clinton's sexual dalliances were not valid issues use to attack his public service.
Those liberals should also take the same advice when they use Arnold's sex life against him.
Yeah, payback is hell. and there's more to come. Regretable, yes, but this is, in the words of a certain gambling addict and writer on morals, a war of cultures.
Quote:2) I claim that if Democrats decried the politically motivated attacks on Clinton and then both engage in politically motivated attacks against Arnold and call Republicants hypocrites there is duplicity.
And you're probably right, although BBB's point was about the attacks on the
wives of the politicians, a point you seem to keep zipping past. No pun intended.
And here's what else.
I hope the Liberals get really angry and engage in the worst kind of back alley, low life, sleazebag tactics instead of trying to be fair minded. The hell with fairness, bring on the rumor mills and the PI's, bring on the ax wielding writers and their unnamed sources, bring on the whisperers. Liberals need to start fighting tooth and nail against their opposition, they need to get loud and in the face of every self-righteous, moralistic, sneering protector of the powerful and pull them down. That's what worked for the neo-cons so far and that's what will stop them in their tracks. And if in the middle of the battle we commit a little duplicity, so what? We're on the neo-cons level now.
Quote:When Clinton's sexual harassment went public did you wish for his removal from office?
No. When the Paula Jones case came out it was another of a long string of accusations the conservatives had launched against Clinton including drug dealing, murder and theft. It was just another chunk of mud.
Quote:And in a choice between Clinton and Bush would you choose Bush because of Clinton's sexual harassment?
I would compare both men's political ideals and reflect on their personal faults. My vote would still be with Clinton.