aperson wrote:
You'd think it'd be good. In a way it kinda sucks. I sometimes get into quiet, deep, reflective moods and I feel like discussing life and death and reality and truth and meaning and reason and human nature and the future, but I have no one to talk to that I know first hand. Some of my peers are more intelligent than me in maths and in terms of IQ, but none of them think. I mean, they do think of course, about video games and exams and girls, but they don't actually think deeply about anything. My parents only care about shares and work and what horrible **** is going down in the world lately. Their minds are closed to any big question, just like everyone else.
In school you don't learn how to think abstract, to think outside the box, to think hollisticly.
Most things are only things you can parrot, and calculate in straight logical terms, you never learn to take account for abstract things that seemingly doesn't exist.
I've don't really bad in school, but did brilliantly in a newspaper with very highly educated people.
- saved the IT department 3-4 hours per installation of each PC.
- shortened the internal newsletter by 7½h.
- changed the PC into terminals.
- changed ancient terminals from 1977 to modern terminals.
- found 100 waste hours per ancient termnials.
- changed the userinterface for the ancient terminals.
Very few people can think critically, Bill Gates and other brilliant people hasn't wasted time in taken a higher education.
If you have some good ideas, then exit school and realize them!