So... what is this?.... day 9?
Godzilla is doing really good. I moved the food dish from the basement to the garage yesterday so today she took more initiative in making appearances.
She ventured outside on her own this morning for a bit until it started to rain and that really and truly freaked her out. I wrangled her in and let her calm down on her own for most of the afternoon.
Late afternoon she came back upstairs so I locked the dog in the house and let her again explore the garage (food) and the yard (fun). She stayed out for about two hours, wandering the yard with me checking through the windows to make sure she was safe.
When I went out to bring her in she came when called (Yeah!!!) and did a friendly nose bump with Biscuit (YEAH!!!)
Godzilla's biggest obstical seems to be the dog. Diamond is really attached to me and is often jealous of anything that comes near me and that makes it hard to intergrate Godzillia into the house. Still, I think we've made 9 days of progress in 9 days. I think we'll be a happy house in another two weeks or so.