@ebrown p,
I don't doubt that childhood sexual abuse was and always has been a problem in probably every culture and society.
I agree with you that the willingness to acknowledge the fact that it happens and to make children aware that it can and does happen so that they are more prepared when faced with certain situations, is imperative.
Especially today.
Because I do think that the fact that it is now possible to organize and access a wider range of children more readily, make it a more real and present danger to more children today than ever before.
Think about it - twenty years ago- people who would do these things to kids, in the main, acted alone. They weren't able to access information about each other and various available children as readily as they can now.
There's an article on the front page of today's Guardian about seventy-seven trafficked children lost from a home that was set up to protect them:
Quote:Organised criminal gangs have exploited a children's home beside Heathrow airport for the systematic trafficking of Chinese children to work in prostitution and the drugs trade across Britain, a secret immigration document reveals.
The intelligence report fromt he Border and Immigration Agency, obtained by the Guardian, shows how a59 bed local authority block has been used as a clearing house for a trade in children that stretches across four continnents.
At least 77 Chinese children have gone missing since March 2006 from th home, operated by the London borough of Hillingdon.
Only four have been found. Two girls returned after a year of exploitation in brothels in the Midlands. One was pregnant while the other had been surgically fitted with a contraceptive device in her arm. ...
These people are communiciating and cooperating with each other to do this stuff from as far away from each other as China, Brazil, Japan, Malysia and Kenya.
That couldn't have happened even fifteen years ago.
And I don't think the sexualization of little girls in our society is helping the situation at all. I was just reading another article about Miley Cyrus- I can't remember which newspaper it was in - I think the Sundy Times, and I've already recycled it- but even Disney targets these girls and gives them a name - they're like ten but they look and act older. It's a cultural phenomenon. It has a name And I think it's dangerous.
Again, I'm not one to ignore the good and focus on the bad. But I'm also not able to ignore the bad and only highlight the good.
I venture to say more children were out of the reach of pedophiles before the internet.
I really do believe that.
That's the part of our current culture and its sexual mores that I think is detrimental and dangerous.
And promiscuity DOES play into it. Because sex as a valuable and valued expression of self has been devalued and debased in our culture. And when that happens, the abusers can convince themselves they're taking less than what they're actually taking,
So yes, I do think it's an unfortunate and negative direction that aspect of our culture has taken, in comparison to how it was in other generations.