Counseling is an excellent idea so good for both of you for starting at that point.
I think, essentially, you need to be dependable. Over and over and over again. Take care of your child when you say you will. Be home when you say you will, or at least call if circumstances make you late. Do chores without be asked to. That sort of thing. And, of course, talk when she wants to talk about it, and also back off if she doesn't want to. It's usually better to roll the whole thing over with a counselor but sometimes people want to talk both in and out of therapy, so be aware of that and you may need to adjust your communications a bit accordingly.
You need not be her slave and you need not agree to everything she says or suggests, but you have shown yourself to be unreliable in her eyes so you will need to work in order to get that trust back. It's not impossible, but it isn't easy. Good relationships are worth fighting for. So grab your gloves and trunks and water bottle so that you can go 20 rounds.
Best of luck to you, and keep your left up.