Parnoid incorrectly stated "...Hannity. He does stomp frogs etc." and you agreed with him.
H2O little man, Hannity suggested he would do it for charity in particular for the troops. Don't you think he is man enough to do it....Oh never mind, neither do I......I'm guessing you aren't man enough either. And that's not much of a reach considering the middle school raving's that you have posted. I know a little bit about the macho ravings of 14 year old boys, having brought up several. Now be a good boy, get some milk and hit the sack. The adults need to discuss things now, and there is no more time to indulge these adolescent musings. Come back when you turn 30 or after a tour with the Marines....then the rest of us won't have to snicker behind our hands. I wish you God-speed in your journey torwards adulthood.....which I assume is many years hence. I'm sure you can be a good boy, so go to sleep and tomorrow you can play with the other kids. Good night, young prince
Oooh. Touched a nerve. Good one.
Oooh. You two douche bags are connecting with each other again... good for both of you.
Drew Dad, have you ever noticed how easy it is to provoke someone with a low opinion of his manhood. I bet he giggled like a little girl when he used douch, and not only that....it was in gigantic letters. Like I said, I already raised a number of 14 year old boys, too bad no one is raising H2O boy.
Don't flatter yourselves douche bags.
Well DrewDad, I guess the jig is up. The major intellect on A2K must have followed us to the Douche Bag Club. I fear he will find out about the rest of our secret collaborations and pray that the rest of the members can continue the important work. I would have sworn he could not establish the link between the two of us. Obviously he is a genius.
This is way too much fun, my father always told me never to match wits with troubled folks or mental patients. I know he was right, but sometimes it's just too easy. If I had a lot of time to waste, I would try to make sense of his responses......sounds like he is engaged in a discussion in his head that no one else is privy to. I don't remember H2O having such a short fuse or being so confused, but I don't post all that often and maybe he has changed or someone else is using his tag.
If anyone is interested, I have a lead on H2O involvement with the Flat Earth Society. I don't care to follow up on that issue because if he bores me anymore I might slip into a coma. Some of the fresher minds might like to take the mantle.
The glittering Douche Bag is heavily involved in mental masturbation... engaged in a discussion in his or her own head.
The mind of glittering Douche Bag is a barren waste land, nothing but two dust bunnies humping each other.
Good for you, you were able to work in masturbation. It's pointless to try and shock me, I worked all my life with members of the Armed Services. If you think you sound manly, I'll introduce you to a few marines that might possilbly help you with sounding tough. Becoming tough is a lost cause for you. You are too thin skinned. Did I mention pathetic, if I didn't I should have.....you need to embrace your pathetic ego/id. It will set you free.
Put the stupid footling thing on Ignore, GB.....?????
It's kind of funny watching it fulminating away to itself...in utter visual silence!
I didn't realize you can use the ignore function here. This forum is usually devoid of crazies, at least the delusional kind....but thank you kindly for the information. (I shamefully admit that it makes me laugh out loud when people respond in huge bold face....must have been all those years in Catholic Schools, after a while nothing is sacred)
Let's water board Olbermann!
Olberman thinks waterboarding is torture, as well did the U.S. Armed forces following the surrender of the Japanese. The Japanese used waterboarding on U.S. POW's and were prosecuted for war crimes. Hannity thinks waterboarding is a mild dunk in the water, since he volunteered (assumedly because he thinks it's no big deal) he should man up and make good on his pledge to raise money for our troops. Does this help you wrap your intellect around the topic, well does it Bunky?
Compared to how our enemy treats prisoners... water boarding is a mild dunk in the water.
Wrap the insignificant amount of gooey gray matter in your skull around that Navin.
H2O MAN wrote:
Compared to how our enemy treats prisoners... water boarding is a mild dunk in the water.
Wrap the insignificant amount of gooey gray matter in your skull around that Navin.
you wrap your empty skull around this; if americans do the same **** as the bastard taliban and al qaida assholes, we are the same as them.
H2O MAN wrote:Compared to how our enemy treats prisoners...
Yes, we're better than terrorists. The same way a murderer is better than a rapist/murderer. The same way a kidnapper is better than a murderer. The same way a burglar is better than a robber.
Not that I expect you to get it.
Olberman Still Waiting For A Brain Donor...