I clean what I have to when I have to, or when it irritates me.....and Ive come a long way baby...I used to have everything spotless, spending all my spare time cleaning and organizing...then I got smart and figured..eh, its not going anywhere..I am

Laundry..dropped off weekly...ah, so nice.
Dishes, when I do a full dinner menu and/or the tub is filled up...kinda like filling up the dishwasher however this one doesnt exactly like to do it on command, even from myself.
vacuuming...try to do it when I can end up doing it like every other week...dont ask..the cleaner and i dont get along well but, I try.
Dust..my worst affliction. I havent dusted in a month.
Cats dont mind so, eh...it adds character.
I love scrubbing bubbles...and that citrus after shower spray too.
I have a bad habit of wanting to clean everyone elses house...does that count? Well, I dont do it anymore...I resist the urge so, I dont think it does count really.
I cleaned out the fridge this past weekend. I try to do that about 4 times a year...this year I think it was 3.
I clean out the closets a few times a year too, and the drawers once or twice.
I need a cleaner. Where can I find a cleaner? Used to have someone that came in once/twice a week to dust and vacuum...she was great...shed do dishes if they were in the sink, take out the garbage, clean the bath, pick up dirty clothes....it really is nice to have an old fashioned gal around when you need one.