Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 09:51 am
Advocate wrote:

If you loved the likes of Hoover, McCarthy, Pinochet, et al., you must love the memory of Hitler.
They are all of the same ilk.

That 's just naked slander.
When I was a defense attorney, I pointed out to juries
that anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Its ez.

OK, with = validity, I assert that Advocate is a nazi.

Hoover, McCarthy, and Pinochet were wonderful guys
who fought for freedom against collectivism
and I dearly LOVE them all for it; I 'm very grateful to them.
Tho I was not so fortunate as to have ever met any of them,
I 'd have been very, very honored to embrace them in friendship.
Thay have my high admiration

As for HItler, I gotta say:
tho I despise and abhor his collectivist-authoritarianism,
there IS one thing about him that I really liked n approve of, to wit:
how he took care of the commies. That was sweet.

EITHER u have a really suicidally poor idea of how America shud fight a war,
u were and are on the commie side.

Which is it ?

Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 10:12 am
You are either pulling people legs or you are a nut case see below:


Almost immediately after the military's seizure of power, the junta banned all the leftist parties that had constituted Allende's UP coalition. All other parties were placed in "indefinite recess," and were later banned outright. The dictatorship's violence was directed not only against dissidents, but also against their families and other civilians.

The Rettig Report concluded that 2,279 persons who disappeared during the military government were killed for political reasons, and approximately 30,000 tortured according to the later Valech Report, while several thousand were exiled. The latter were chased all over the world in the frame of Operation Condor, a cooperation plan between the various intelligence agencies of South American countries, assisted by a US communication base in Panama. Pinochet believed these operations were necessary in order to "save the country from communism"[17].

Some political scientists have ascribed the relative bloodiness of the coup to the stability of the existing democratic system[citation needed], which required extreme action to overturn. Some of the most famous cases of human rights violation occurred during the early period: in October 1973, at least 70 people were killed by the Caravan of Death, to which Manuel Contreras, later head of the DINA intelligence service, participated. Charles Horman, a US journalist, "disappeared", as did Víctor Olea Alegría, a member of the Socialist Party, and many others, in 1973.

Furthermore, many other important officials of Allende's government were tracked down by the DINA in the frame of Operation Condor. Thus, General Carlos Prats, Pinochet's predecessor and army commander under Allende, who had resigned rather than support the moves against Allende's government, was assassinated in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1974. A year later, the murder of 119 opponents abroad was disguised as an internal conflict, the DINA setting up a propaganda campaign to accredit this thesis (Operation Colombo).

Other victims of Condor included, among hundreds of less famous persons, Juan José Torres, the former President of Bolivia, assassinated in Buenos Aires on 2 June, 1976; Carmelo Soria, a UN diplomat working for the CEPAL, assassinated in July 1976; Orlando Letelier, a former Chilean ambassador to the United States and minister in Allende's cabinet, assassinated after his release from internment and exile in Washington, D.C. by a car bomb on September 21, 1976. This led to strained relations with the US and to the extradition of Michael Townley, a US citizen who worked for the DINA and had organized Letelier's assassination. Other targeted victims, who escaped assassination, included Christian-Democrat Bernardo Leighton, who escaped an assassination attempt in Rome in 1975 by the Italian terrorist Stefano delle Chiaie; Carlos Altamirano, the leader of the Chilean Socialist Party, targeted for murder in 1975 by Pinochet, along with Volodia Teitelboim, member of the Communist Party; Pascal Allende, the nephew of Salvador Allende and president of the MIR, who escaped an assassination attempt in Costa Rica in March 1976; US Congressman Edward Koch, who became aware in 2001 of relations between death threats and his denunciation of Operation Condor, etc. Furthermore, according to current investigations, Eduardo Frei Montalva, the Christian Democrat President of Chile from 1964 to 1970, may have been poisoned in 1982 by toxin produced by DINA biochemist Eugenio Berrios [18].

Protests continued, however, during the 1980s, leading to several scandals. In March 1985, the savage murder of three Communist Party members led to the resignation of César Mendoza, head of the Carabineros and member of the junta since its formation. During a 1986 protest against Pinochet, 21 year old American photographer Rodrigo Rojas DeNegri and 18 year old student Carmen Gloria Quintana were burnt alive, with only Carmen surviving.

In August 1989, Marcelo Barrios Andres, a 21 year-old member of the FPMR (the armed wing of the PCC, created in 1983, which had attempted to assassinate Pinochet on September 7, 1986), was assassinated by a group of military personnel who were supposed to arrest him on orders of Valparaíso's public prosecutor. However, they simply executed him; this case was included in the Rettig Report [19].

Further scandals emerged after the return to democracy, such as the allegations that an ex-Nazi, Paul Schäfer, who had set up in Pinochet's Chile an enclave, Colonia Dignidad, had worked with the DINA, except that the Colonia Libertad was founded before Allende and was controversial from day one.

[edit] Economic policy
Main article: Chile under Pinochet#Economy and Free Market
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 10:30 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

BillRM wrote:

A lot of nonsense; I infer that u 'd have been happier
if Stalin had his way; u liked HIM a lot better, right, Comrade ?
A lot of good men mostly unknown won the cold war but Hoover was hardly one of them comrade.

I do like you strong emotional feelings toward a gay blackmailer however.

He was a gay blackmailer


I wish to amend my statement.
On re-consideration, altho I believe that Hoover was a blackmailer,
I have no knowledge of his sexual inclinations,
other than speculation by pundits of the time,
who have taken both sides of the issue, pro and con.

I must admit, as a heterosexual,
that I have had friends in my former law firm
with whom I very ofen went to eat at good restaurants of NY
and on vacations to conventions of a group of which we are members.
To me (and I am sure, to them)
the concept of participation in homosexuality is and was abhorent, repugnant & never considered.
We thought of having a good time in decent, wholesome ways,
consistent with heterosexuality.

I do not condemn homosexuality in other people.

I cannot say that Hoover did not have the same kind of "brotherly" convivial friendship with Tolson.
If I coud do it with my former law partners,
then I see no reason that Hoover coud not have had a clean relationship with Tolson.

Accordingly, the question of Hoover 's sexuality is unresolved, as I see it.

Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 10:33 am
BillRM wrote:

You are either pulling people legs or you are a nut case see below:


Almost immediately after the military's seizure of power, the junta banned all the leftist parties that had constituted Allende's UP coalition. All other parties were placed in "indefinite recess," and were later banned outright. The dictatorship's violence was directed not only against dissidents, but also against their families and other civilians.

The Rettig Report concluded that 2,279 persons who disappeared during the military government were killed for political reasons, and approximately 30,000 tortured according to the later Valech Report, while several thousand were exiled. The latter were chased all over the world in the frame of Operation Condor, a cooperation plan between the various intelligence agencies of South American countries, assisted by a US communication base in Panama. Pinochet believed these operations were necessary in order to "save the country from communism"[17].

Some political scientists have ascribed the relative bloodiness of the coup to the stability of the existing democratic system[citation needed], which required extreme action to overturn. Some of the most famous cases of human rights violation occurred during the early period: in October 1973, at least 70 people were killed by the Caravan of Death, to which Manuel Contreras, later head of the DINA intelligence service, participated. Charles Horman, a US journalist, "disappeared", as did Víctor Olea Alegría, a member of the Socialist Party, and many others, in 1973.

Furthermore, many other important officials of Allende's government were tracked down by the DINA in the frame of Operation Condor. Thus, General Carlos Prats, Pinochet's predecessor and army commander under Allende, who had resigned rather than support the moves against Allende's government, was assassinated in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1974. A year later, the murder of 119 opponents abroad was disguised as an internal conflict, the DINA setting up a propaganda campaign to accredit this thesis (Operation Colombo).

Other victims of Condor included, among hundreds of less famous persons, Juan José Torres, the former President of Bolivia, assassinated in Buenos Aires on 2 June, 1976; Carmelo Soria, a UN diplomat working for the CEPAL, assassinated in July 1976; Orlando Letelier, a former Chilean ambassador to the United States and minister in Allende's cabinet, assassinated after his release from internment and exile in Washington, D.C. by a car bomb on September 21, 1976. This led to strained relations with the US and to the extradition of Michael Townley, a US citizen who worked for the DINA and had organized Letelier's assassination. Other targeted victims, who escaped assassination, included Christian-Democrat Bernardo Leighton, who escaped an assassination attempt in Rome in 1975 by the Italian terrorist Stefano delle Chiaie; Carlos Altamirano, the leader of the Chilean Socialist Party, targeted for murder in 1975 by Pinochet, along with Volodia Teitelboim, member of the Communist Party; Pascal Allende, the nephew of Salvador Allende and president of the MIR, who escaped an assassination attempt in Costa Rica in March 1976; US Congressman Edward Koch, who became aware in 2001 of relations between death threats and his denunciation of Operation Condor, etc. Furthermore, according to current investigations, Eduardo Frei Montalva, the Christian Democrat President of Chile from 1964 to 1970, may have been poisoned in 1982 by toxin produced by DINA biochemist Eugenio Berrios [18].

Protests continued, however, during the 1980s, leading to several scandals. In March 1985, the savage murder of three Communist Party members led to the resignation of César Mendoza, head of the Carabineros and member of the junta since its formation. During a 1986 protest against Pinochet, 21 year old American photographer Rodrigo Rojas DeNegri and 18 year old student Carmen Gloria Quintana were burnt alive, with only Carmen surviving.

In August 1989, Marcelo Barrios Andres, a 21 year-old member of the FPMR (the armed wing of the PCC, created in 1983, which had attempted to assassinate Pinochet on September 7, 1986), was assassinated by a group of military personnel who were supposed to arrest him on orders of Valparaíso's public prosecutor. However, they simply executed him; this case was included in the Rettig Report [19].

Further scandals emerged after the return to democracy, such as the allegations that an ex-Nazi, Paul Schäfer, who had set up in Pinochet's Chile an enclave, Colonia Dignidad, had worked with the DINA, except that the Colonia Libertad was founded before Allende and was controversial from day one.

[edit] Economic policy
Main article: Chile under Pinochet#Economy and Free Market

Before I take the time to read all that,
will u indicate what your point is ?

Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 11:15 am
The point is that he was an evil man who torture men women and children to the tune of 30,000 and kill many thousands more.

Somehow you seem to think that as long as the governemt that is doing the murdering and the torturing is not bearing the name c ommunism then it is fine with you.

If your wife and children and parents are being kill and torture, labels are the least of your concerns. Dealing with the monster would be the first and overiding issue.

If I have been in that country and the only way of fighting this monster was to join forces with the communisms so be it.

As Churchill once said if the devil would declare war on Hilter I would find some nice things to say about him in Parliment.

Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 11:37 am
Ok David by the way what freedoms was Pinochet fighting for except the freedom to do what he said or die slowly?

Hoover, McCarthy, and Pinochet were wonderful guys
who fought for freedom against collectivism

Almost immediately after the military's seizure of power, the junta banned all the leftist parties that had constituted Allende's UP coalition. All other parties were placed in "indefinite recess," and were later banned outright. The dictatorship's violence was directed not only against dissidents, but also against their families and other civilians.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 02:26 pm
BillRM wrote:

The point is that he was an evil man who torture men women and children
to the tune of 30,000 and kill many thousands more.

I wish that I coud claim to be even 10% as good a man as Pinochet was.
I read your posted wiki quote; I suspect that U did not,
since it does not support your allegation of torturing children,
nor women either. I note, incidentally, that your expressed objections
r limited to ANTI-commies torturing the left.
U express no objection to the torturing by the Cheka, the NKVD,
KGB, nor GRU or any other commie secret police or intelligence.
That suggests who 's side u r on
and the REASON for your condemnation of commies getting tortured or killed.

Somehow you seem to think that as long as the governemt
that is doing the murdering and the torturing
is not bearing the name c ommunism then it is fine with you.

If private citizens torture and kill commies,
as thay did in Indonesia in 1965, I 'd cheer and exult.
(Well, when it happened, I DID cheer n exult!!!)

If your wife and children and parents are being kill and torture,
labels are the least of your concerns. Dealing with the monster
would be the first and overiding issue.

If any of my relatives really WERE commies,
then thay 'd deserve it.
(None of them were commies n none of them were killed nor tortured.)

If I have been in that country and the only way of fighting this monster
was to join forces with the communisms so be it.

If u did,
I 'd hope that u and all of your comrades were painfully killed.

As Churchill once said if the devil would declare war on Hilter
I would find some nice things to say about him in Parliment.

That justifies everything done in the Anti-communist wars.
The Moslems n the nazis are or were bad, but
since the beginning of the world NOTHING has been as bad as the commies,
by criteria of totalitarian oppression, extending even into the minds of their slaves.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 02:39 pm
So one of our US Congressman was a commie that they try to kill or American reporters that disappear was commies?

You are a 100 percent nut case. I just can see the hell of a government you would wsih to set up.

In any case moving on to Hoover as I am sure that any one that can read is not of the opinion that a man who took over his country from a freely elected government and then begin to torture and kill his fellow citizens and ban all parties and electons is not a freedom fighter of any kind.

David when Hoover was cheerfully spending government resources to plant bugs under MLK bed and in congressmen hotels rooms spy rings like the Walker family spy ring was selling super top secrets materials by the car loads for over twenty years to the USSR. Would in fact likely still be doing so if it was not for a piss of ex-wife turning Mr. Walker in.

The holes in US security during Mr. Hoover watch was amazing including a kid by the name of Christopher Boyce also almost openly selling the USSR top secrets.

If memory serve me correctly both of the above operations started with a walk in to a USSR Embassy where no FBI agent seem to had monitor them walking in.

More then likely being far too busy planting those bugs under MLK bed.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 02:44 pm
David after reading you silly claims that a killer/murder like Pinochet was a freedom fighter you are so out of it that reading any more of your postings seem a complete waste of time.

Off to the block list with you. Pinochet would had instead send you to a nice torture chamber but we do what we can do.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 03:00 pm
I wager David, when working as an investigator for HUAC, had a hand in ruining many innocent people. That makes him a pig, unworthy of respect.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 03:15 pm
Advocate wrote:

I wager David, when working as an investigator for HUAC,
had a hand in ruining many innocent people. That makes him a pig, unworthy of respect.

Thay were not innocent.

Go stick your head in the toilet, u filthy commie.

Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 03:27 pm
BillRM wrote:

David after reading you silly claims that a killer/murder like Pinochet was a freedom fighter
you are so out of it that reading any more of your postings seem a complete waste of time.

Off to the block list with you.

Pinochet would had instead send you to a nice torture chamber but we do what we can do.

That is a very stupid thing to say.
He and I AGREE with each other
but according to U, he 'd torture me in a chamber.

He and I 'd have been very GOOD FRIENDS,
u feebleminded commie. If he had sent me a fund appeal,
I woud have joyfully and proudly sent him cash to support his efforts.
I wish I coud give him a solid gold medal for his achievements.

Your mind is worthless.
I am putting u on IGNORE.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 07:49 pm
Purportedly a mensa and, get this, a lawyer. Nothin' but an ole Cracker.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 07:52 pm
You know what is shocking to me assuming he is telling us the truth is that David is/was an officer of the courts and at the same time he is supporting a murder and a torturer and an international war criminal.

Yes I know being a lawyer is not an indication in itself of good character or even being sane but still it is remarkable to me to find a lawyer who would support the killing/torturing of anyone who is in disagreement with his or her government.

The first lawyer with such a character that come to my mind off hand is Vic President Burr the killer of Hamilton in a dual and then later a man who was tried for treason and we can never forget that Nixon was also a member of the bar.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 09:42 pm
Thay were not innocent.

Actually, they were, completely so. You always trumpet that America is a great symbol of freedom but you don't have the intellect necessary or the guts to allow this freedom to others.

You are the most selfish, ignorant person I've never met and that is certainly fine by me.

That you would even make claim to have been friends, fast friends with such despicable human beings as McCarthy and Hoover speaks volumes about the already, highly disreputable character traits that surround you.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 10:15 pm
JTT wrote:

Purportedly a mensa and, get this, a lawyer. Nothin' but an ole Cracker.

What 's a cracker?
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 10:27 pm
JTT wrote:

Thay were not innocent.

Actually, they were, completely so.


You always trumpet that America is a great symbol of freedom
but you don't have the intellect necessary or the guts to allow this freedom to others.

Correct in that we are and were within our rights
to DEFEND ourselves from those who 'd make us commie slaves.

You are the most selfish,

This is true; I try.
I recommend it to everyone.

ignorant person I've never met and that is certainly fine by me.

Ignorant of WHAT ?

That you would even make claim to have been friends,
fast friends with such despicable human beings as McCarthy
and Hoover speaks volumes about the already, highly disreputable character traits that surround you.

U demonstrate that u r ignorant of how to read.
If u were able to read, then u 'd know that I LAMENTED the fact
that I have never met Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover or Augusto Pinochet.
However, I bear them the highest respect, admiration, good will & GRATITUTE.

Perhaps its not too late
for u to learn to read correctly.

Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 11:36 pm
U demonstrate that u r ignorant of how to read.
If u were able to read, then u 'd know that I LAMENTED the fact that I have never met Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover or Augusto Pinochet.

I've suggested, numerous times, that you not make comment on language issues because you seem to have a profound inability to grasp how language works.

"That you would even make claim to have been friends, [if you had had the opportunity] ..."

Yet you seem bent on displaying your ignorance. So be it.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 11:44 pm
I've suggested, numerous times, that you eat **** and die, but you never do. So be it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Apr, 2009 05:48 am
JTT wrote:

U demonstrate that u r ignorant of how to read.
If u were able to read, then u 'd know that I LAMENTED the fact
that I have never met Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover or Augusto Pinochet.

I've suggested, numerous times, that you not make comment on language issues
because you seem to have a profound inability to grasp how language works.

I thought that I had been clear on this point
several times in the past,
but let me make another effort at it,
since u seem to have been unable to understand:
upon the basis of your posts,
I have lost any respect for your cognitive ability
and I have lost any respect for your ability to reason.

I have not been influenced by your opinions, nor have I accepted your counsel.

"That you would even make claim to have been friends, [if you had had the opportunity] ..."

Shoud I attribute your errors to the fraudulent deceptions of liberalism,
or to feeblemindedness and mental disorganization? or to hallucinatory delusion ?
U have twisted and distorted the plain meaning of the words
into something that u wish had been said, but was not.
Talk about beating a square peg into a round hole.

Yet you seem bent on displaying your ignorance. So be it.

I grant u my permission to expose your folly.
Its harmless.
0 Replies

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