A few points.
Quote:my boyfriend got EXTREMELY mad that another guy was hitting on me
That hardly seems appropriate of him. Has he given you a ring? Have you walked down the aisle with him? An old saying from (I believe it was) the fortys comes to mind, "Going steady is great if one boyfriend is all you rate." But perhaps you are just being playful, kind of pretending what marriage is like? NO, because sex is not pretend. Also, there is something somewhat neat about a girl being more-or-less totally deferential in sexual matters with a man she loves really well (probably why ankle bracelets are keen), but a decent guy would not, I should think, want such deference from a girl if he wanted to care for her, and you seem to think your boyfriend expressed such a caring love. Also, a girl being deferential to a mere boy seems silly, such deference is something a girl could only properly have toward an adult male, IMO.
Quote:when i talked to shane about this whole sex thing, he told me he only wanted to do it with me, which i know is true i asked the girl he supposedly is "dating".
No. He is almost certainly lying. Pretty much all males with any virility like to have sex with lots of females. It is their nature. What's the big deal whom he wants to have sex with or how many females he has sex with? If you are interested in whether he loves you or not, determine whether he cares just for you or not (if indeed he can care for anybody). His going out on a prom with another female is in my opinion more suggestive of his not loving you well than if he in fact had sex with another female. Not that he probably doesn't want to have sex with this other girl, that strikes me as being a more plausible reason for his taking her out than his wanting to get you angry. A male wanting to get a female angry?!???Maybe if he is debating her on a talk show or something (anger makes people converse less coherently)--I can't hardly think of any other situation. Your inference is naive for why you know he doesn't want sex with others. I would suggest a strong possibility is that the girl he is dating won't have sex with him or he knows seduction works best if slow. You seem to be assuming that he is some sort of irresistable god. I majorly doubt that. If you really loved him, wouldn't you want him to have sex with other females, since that would presumably be very pleasant for him?
3. You seem taken by the caring attitude your boyfriend has had toward you. I'm not surprised. Indeed, emotion matters, especially as it relates toward girls. I find it is easy to have holy feelings for girls that I wouldn't have for adult females unless I really cared for them, presumably because it is appropriate to have such feelings for female youth (probably part of the reason women try so hard to look young is they know decent men tend to emotionally love a female better if she is young). (A singular thing, though, is that the older I get the more the youth of girls automatically elicits "holy" feelings in me and the less it automatically elicits "togetherness" feelings in me--but the latter phenomenon was never particularly strong.) But it may be that if indeed your boyfriend does not care for you, he still can't be blamed for his caring emotions. If what made you think he cared for you was something from his own spiritual self, yes I'd say he's not to blame, and that he may even be praiseworthy for that. However, if the manifestations of his caring were something that came from him on a rational level, I'd say that suggests a mere ruse on his part, probably just to get or keep you in bed. But it's not
just emotion that matters--whether he in fact cares for you also matters, and you deserve after the long time you have been with your bf to have some clear information about that.
4. You seem very repentant as far as your alleged dishonesty is concerned. If you felt like yourself or James was in danger, you did right to "lie". In fact, I'm not a lawyer, but I believe legally a falsehood would not be considered fraud if the falsehood was given under duress or threat of harm. Ethically, it is reasonable and good to speak falsely when you know that will reduce violent behavior on the part of the person unjustly
demanding a response (you made a mistake in assuming James would not squawk to your boyfriend, but that is just a mistake rather than a lie or an encouragement of a lie).
5. Perhaps your father is to blame for making you overvalue flattery. Perhaps he was too critical of you (say your affectionate nature) when you were young and he needed excuses for his behavior to your mom? But then I'd say your mother also might have been blameworthy for making you overvalue males not wanting to have sex with other females. For some strange reason women often demand sexual exclusivity of their husbands, and of course their doing so often helps cause divorce.