It's certainly been interesting. There's hardly been any dull moments. The whole playoff season, from division to conference championships to now the last 1 or 2 games of the World Series has been a helluva ride. Whooda thunk the Marlins would be threatening the Yankees? How many people said, Yankees in 6 or Yankees in 5? It could - can I be saying this?? - end up being Marlins in 6.
Come back, Reg, RSN needs ya. :-D
I dropped my car off for an oil change this morning, and one of the service guys, noticing the Atlanta cap I was wearing, asked what I expected to happen in the Series. I told him I was hoping the Marlins win Game 6. Both he and his co-worker seconded my sentiment. I'm beginning to think that people right now are either Yankee fans or everyone else.
Could be wrong, but I suspect that George Steinbrenner isn't the most beloved guy in sport at the moment. And a statement by nice guy Derek Jeter after last night's game (that "some of us" haven't yet won a World Series yet) is a good example of the kind of arrogance that sets my teeth on edge. Hey, Derek, Ernie Banks never won a World Series either. Man, I hope Florida wins tomorrow...
Neither has the Houston Astros :sad: -
D wrote:I'm beginning to think that people right now are either Yankee fans or everyone else.
Realized this in 1960 when I lived in NY (upstate - even lots of people there hate the Yankees

I'm still sore from what the Marlins management did after they hit it big. My town built them a spring season training stadium and they dumped us ~ without ever having played once in the stadium. Now they're talking about moving to another one?
How big can their egos get?
BillW--agreed that there have always been Yankee haters. Heck, I've been one since 1957! But I think that the Steinbrenner era has build up momentum for anti-Yankee feelings. Not to mention the success they've had (again) and the disgustingly huge payroll...
Rae: The Marlins were mismanaged for years. To do that to your town was horrible. But, I maintain, the Yankees are far worse. Look what they do to players who they decide to replace because a better free agent can be hired. Take Tino Martinez, please. Now, that's heartless!
Getting back to the here and now: Marlins are pitching Beckett on three days rest tonight. I hope this gamble works, because if it doesn't, momentum will shift to NYY big time.
Congrats to the Marlins.
Of course the Yankees would not win this year. Why not ?
Because this was OUR YEAR. (Beloved Sox)
Stupidity (Grady) overuled Destiny.
D'artagnan ~ thanks.
I cannot believe the Marlins won. I'm in shock.
And because I don't trust the management.....I'll wait to see how many players are traded after this win. If they're smart, they won't make any fast moves.
Wish in one hand, **** in the other.....
Sigh. Can't say I'm not disappointed. But the Marlins played well and deserved to win. No controversy. No blame. Just baseball.
Hugs Roberta.
It was a helluva game, eh? Beckett was truly da man.
To my mind, Jeter was the most disappointing. He was working out well defensively but just not picking up on offense opportunities - which is similar to how Nomar Garciaparra was for the first 2 rounds until he finally hit out of his slump. Perhaps Jeter would have worked out of it if there had been a Game 7. Now we'll never know - but man, what a lousy time for a slump!
Rae, Aren't the Marlins under new management?
Don't think I have ever seen a world series final winning game be a complete game. My hat is off to Josh Beckett; and Andy Pettitte pitched great also. I really enjoyed this one - and the heart of the order was up in the ninth, wowser!!!!
I'm glad I was wrong re the wisdom of pitching Beckett on three days rest! What a gamer he is.
It'll be interesting to see how George deals with this disappointment in the off-season. Will the $180 million payroll grow even bigger? Or will he, perhaps, try something different--tell his experts to be more creative in fillling gaps, as all the other teams have to do. We shall see...
Well, here's a few reports you're not likely to see:
Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig fined the Marlins $500,000 for not sticking to the script.
"What message is baseball sending if the Yankees don't win the World Series at a time of war?" fumed an angry Selig.
Yankees owner George Steinbrenner said he would go to court to overturn the victory.
Derek Jeter got over his disappointment quickly by simply re-asserting himself as the Prince of New York, squiring four runway models to dinner at Tavern on the Green.
"Hey, there's always next year, " Jeter said.
Yankees coach Don Zimmer dejectedly returned to his Winter Haven, FL cottage to spend the winter soaking his hemorrhoids in epsom salts and enduring the taunts of his neighbors, most of whom still haven't gotten over the Red Sox switch of spring training locales.
"Think yer ass hurts, now, Zim? Wait'll The Boss gets through witcha!" needled Leon Swerdlow, who shares Zimmer's duplex and hails from Queens.
All of the various FOX sitcom stars expressed relief that the Series didn't go seven games.
"Thank God," 'That 70s Show' star Ashton Kuchar said, looking upward and pointing to the sky.
"Now I can watch the Democratic debate Sunday."
Thanks for the sympathy, Jes. Beckett was awesome. Pettitte pitched well, too. But you can't win without hitting. Clutch hitting. Any kind of hitting.
I imagine that the team will change considerably in the off season. Three years without a championship. Oh, the horror. There are some juicy free agents coming on the market this year. The paper indicated this morning that the team payroll is $150 million. Do I hear $200 million? In for a penny; in for a pound. :-))
It would be interesting if the Yankees actually "developed" a team -
Developing a team is for someone with patience. Not Steinbrenner's forte, as he would be the first to admit. He always says that he does what he does for the fans in NY--as if the fans in other cities don't also hope for good seasons.
I wonder, though, how fans of teams like the Cubs and Red Sox feel about the Marlins, in existence for about a decade, getting into the playoffs twice and winning two World Series. Life is strange...
Once again, my team is the Astros - had their developed players go everywhere without an appearance ever............... Then there was the stike year, of course, they would have found a way to not make it that year, also!
Yeah, the Astros had some good squads not so long ago. The Killer B's--a formidable group who tended to underperform in the playoffs. Of course, as an Atlanta fan, I know that tendency all too well. I'm just waiting to see how long it will take Steinbrenner to dangle many millions in front of Gary Sheffield. NYY needs a right fielder...
Maybe Don Zimmer will manage Boston next year. I can't recall if that's already on his resume, but it looks like he needs a job. After the success of McKeon, older dudes may be in demand next season. And Zimmer certainly seems to have it in for Steinbrenner--may give the Bosox the edge they need!
Zim's already worked for Bahstin; I can't recall the exact position, but he's been here before.