Busy and might not be able to check back for a while, so will go ahead with:
- If your goal is to effect change, yelling at the mayor won't do anything. Speaking quietly to the mayor won't do anything. Putting up big, labor-intensive charts won't do anything. He'll nod and smile and then when you're gone he'll go back to doing things the way they were done before.
- If you want to effect change, you need to go bigger. Find an opponent -- someone who plans to run against this mayor -- and if you think the opponent is OK, volunteer for that person. Organize some sort of petition drive. Bother the local newspapers until they start really looking into the outrages (if they haven't already) or until they make a bigger stink. Create some sort of newsworthy event -- naked ladies always get the media

-- and then air your peeves in a punchy and succinct way (do your research first).
- If you're personally mad and want to vent, go for it. Probably won't have much of an effect beyond the immediate ventiness, but it's your right and if it makes you feel better, might be worth it for you.