thanks cj
My rolfer said that what is holding me back from more flexibility is that my muscles moving over joints/bones/released facia aren't lubricated enough. Not "juicy" enough as she called it. I can really visualize that, and it feels true. It's like a tree that some of the branches aren't getting enough sap. Those branches are alive, but something needs to happen to the "juices" can get into the blocked areas.
She knows I hydrate myself well, and my range of motion/flexibility has dramatically improved in some areas of my body, but not all. Even the areas that have improved a lot could still benefit from being more opened up.
That's what it's all about, creating space for the body to move within. To put it figuratively, my body has moved from a 1/1 cramped studio apt about 2 years ago, to a much more comfortable 2/2 house with large backyard. I'm ready to either expand by building on another bath, bedroom and a garage, or move to a much bigger property.
Yeah, I know bikram is tough. She says it's the hardest thing she's ever done. However, she said there is no such thing as a beginner class, since you just need to do whatever posture within your present ability. One thing I've learned from rolfing is just that. You come in with one ability, expand it, and move on. I would never do stuff just because the person next to me can do it. We live in different houses.
Oh, I went there yesterday just to watch, standing in the lobby and watching through the glass wall. I saw people of all abilities, just doing what they could. Maybe at a younger age I would have felt like I had to keep up with others, but now, it's an internal journey.
Anyway, I'm not gonna jump right into that. The bikram place is too inconvenient for me to get to. However they are building a new location not far from my house that will be completed in June. Don't worry, I'm not gonna give myself a heart attack or anything.
My rolfer has been doing this a long time, and she's also a RN of over 20 years, and I've grown to really trust her.
What I think I'll do first is take some beginners classes at a regular yoga place right down the street from my house. Kinda test the waters.
I appreciate your advice about it, I'm sure it would be easy to get overwhelmed.
I just don't like the thought of breathing in someone elses wet humid breath and germs.