Sorry re messed up terms. I did study embryology, but it was a while ago.
I'm firmly of the belief that the Catholic church is a terrorist organisation. I've never seen or heard anything that contradicts that belief. The sooner it's banned, the better off the world will be.
I, on the other hand, have. I'm among the most grindingly unhappy with the catholic church here on a2k, but I don't see all the faith of all the faithful, and all the efforts to be good as some kind of waste. I've seen much good and much joy, over and over and over again.
I'm sorry you want to ban the religion, wilso.
I suppose I should mention the excommunication that is the subject of this thread, but I can't give it any credence.
ossobuco wrote:
I'm sorry you want to ban the religion, wilso.
I find the use of the word "sorry" extremely offensive. If you want to express disagreement with my opinion, that's fine. But expressing regret over my opinion suggests that I should be an object of pity for not finding what others find in religion, which I see as disgustingly condescending. The smug claim of moral superiority of the religious is just one of the many aspects that causes my opposition.
mini tangent....
on saying "I'm sorry you feel xyz"
For a long time, I never understood why the word "sorry" was used, as wilso has said, it can sound condescending.
to extend the sentence, it felt like it was placing the onus on the the other person....I'M sorry that YOU (don't think the same way I do). Indicating your thoughts were superior
However, I noticed that there were time I would find myself saying that to someone.....more in the context of "I'm sorry your husband is so sick/in the hospital/etc.
I realized what I really was saying was "I'm SORROWFUL your husband is sick" This is letting the listener know that you are telling them about your emotions evoked by the events.
Perhaps if it is expressing a difference of opinion, the sentence would more be...."I've got a certain amount of sorrow that you feel religion should be banned"
Then, the speaker is merely expressing their opinion. Which, is something wilso has so often expressed he should be allowed to do, and so would not deny that same right to others.
Osso could say "I'm sorry you feel that way", and I feel she meant she personally had a certain amount of pensiveness about your opinion, but was not denying your right to have it.
Then again, that's simply my opinion.
There really needs to be a better phrase.
carry on.
As much as I am not a fan of religion, I'm not on the train to have any of it banned. Instead I think to best express my desire, I would say that I'd rather that we stop legitimizing religion's self-granted, unearned, and unchallengeable authority by treating religious figures as diplomats or ambassadors of sorts.
ossobuco wrote:
Perhaps you don't understand me, Eva.
I was last a catholic in, mmm, 1961. Or, to push that for bits, 1965.
Oh. I didn't know that. Or I forgot. (Could've been either.)