This weekend I will be making my next batch of macisoneinamillion-inspired high-fibre muffins in my new macisoneinamillion-inspired-purchase silicone muffin pans
This time I think I'm going to do a lemon-poppyseed-craisin-raisin variant.
Sitting in the parking lot of Brooks market with two blueberry muffins and some styrofoam coffee for breakfast. My candidate for Miss Universe loads groceries into her whining little Coke-can imported car. She has pink cowboy boots with silver toe caps and her levis tucked into the boot tops with just enough fat roll over the waist to leave me thinking of getting a little on the side. The bumper sticker on my porsce says: AMURCA FURST, BUDDEH! However, my license plate says JUJU 1. All in all a healthy brekkies. I may go bact for lunch.
Those sound great bethie - are you creating recipes too?
Doesn't everyone, mac?
I start with a basic - like lemon poppyseed - and then go crazy!
I'm finding that adding a small handful of treats like coconut or craisins or butterscotch chips to a big recipe of high-fibre muffins makes them more fun. Will THIS be the muffin with a choco chip in it? Will THIS one have 2 raisins?
<pathetic, but it works, the thighs are gettin' smaller>
Now the chair where you sat
Is occupied by the cat
I wish you had taken him too
I'm sittin here fried
You took life's sunny side
My eggs don't taste the same without you
I have to admit that my eating habits have been horrendous lately. Breakfasts have been bagels and pastries
melted cheese - fresh mozzarella and old (3 year old) cheddar on sourdough bread mmmmmmmmmmmmm a tiny bit of salsa on the side
a beer stein of Earl Grey Vanilla tea with one mini sugarcube and some milk
the lady osso just handed me a plate of "Dutch Baby" seems to be a concoction of flour and eggs made into a dough and baked in a pie tin in the oven served with maple syrup. pretty yummy.
Dutch Baby ? I need to hear more...I'm always on the lookout for new brekkie recipies.
Hmm, I just found this:
Dutch Baby Category: Breakfast
Prep Time- 40 Minutes Description-
Serves 3
1/4 cup butter
3 eggs
3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup flour
Nutritional Data
Vegetarian- No
Put 1/4 cup butter in 3 to 4 quart pan and set into 425 degree oven, then mix batter quickly while butter melts.
Put 3 eggs in blender container and whirl at high speed for one minute.
With motor running, gradually pour in 3/4 cup milk, then slowly add 3/4
cup flour. Continue whirling for 30 seconds. Remove pan from oven and
pour batter into the hot melted butter. Return to the oven and bake
until puffy and well browned, about 20-25 minutes. Serve at once. Top
with powdered sugar, syrup, fruit, jam, etc. Serves 3. ( Recipe may be
doubled, but must use a 4 1/2 to 5 quart pan.)
I'm off to the lab for testing....
ok got the goods from osso.
3 eggs
3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup flour
4 tbsp butter whisked together
pre-heat oven 425
pour above mix into cake pan
bake at 425 for 22 mins
serve with powdered sugar and lemon juice or warm maple syrup
eat immediately (while hot)
very quick and easy.
Thanks dys.
My next brunch will be spoken of with hushed tones...still bathing in the afterglow of the Dutch Baby suprise.
(osso truly is a wonder.)
Had buckwheat pancakes with maple syrup and some olive oil based margarine. Coffee.
I had my first Dutch baby at a friend's house, a friend who used proportionately more butter..
every time I think of making it I somehow forget the recipe and have to google it. This morning I googled the same recipe you did, LionTamer - but I just use a bowl and whisk, adding to the bowl, in order, eggs - whisk; milk - whisk; flour, slowly - whisk as you add; melted butter - whisk; pour into a pan or glass baking dish, not too big, not too small. In the case of one visiting friends' kitchen, find a cake pan, that'll be fine.
I think that friend of mine used 2 eggs, a half cup of flour, half cup of milk, 7 (7!!!!) - or was that 6? or 8? tbs. of butter, in the same sized pan. The concoction rises more and is thinner at the base...
Now Edgar is again proving to be a good example for the rest of us. buckwheat pancakes with olive oil based margaring is a healtful and delicious breakfast, so long as the "margarine" has no trans-fats.
This morning my wife put together a delicious (only on Sunday) breakfast of huevos rancheros and "refried" beans. Yum.
7 tbs. of butter ? Wow. I bet it was delicious, but I'm trying to feed my friends, not kill them. I'm known to be somewhat heavy handed in the butter department, but I'm trying to be good.
(Don't even ask me about my Potatoes Anna recipe...)
high fibre oatmeal muffin
One more oatmeal muffin to go. Tomorrow I can bake new breakfast muffins. I won't make quite so many next time round.
I know what you mean! I've been meaning to ask you what you do with all the muffins. I've frozen some, taken some to work, but mostly eaten a lot of muffins since buying my wonderpan.
I made 24 of those high fibre marvels.
It's January 24th.
I have one left.
Can you tell what my sort of New Year's resolution was?
Week mornings, I'm in a hurry. I pour out a bowl of something like Cheerios, sweetened with raw honey. I top it with a few strawberries, freshly ground flax seeds and raw almonds, ground or chopped. 2% milk. And supplements.