That can be quite good, when properly done . . . used to make me ill to just look at the Army version, though . . .
We´re staying at the Hotel Berna in Barcelona, and their buffet breakfast was really good. I had an omlette, coffee, fruits, pastry, cheese, toast, coffee, and more coffee. It´s a good thing we had a big breakfast, because we went on a optional tour to two wineries, and missed lunch! At the Torres winery, we had a tasting of five of their wines with some snacks. After our long day getting here yesterday, I was pooped when we returned to the hotel after our winery tour, and napped for over an hour.
This trip is so far, so good! For those interested, I´ll be posting a summary of my tour when I get home with some pictures in the Travel Forum.
Somedays I have left over Brussel sprouts for breakfast or Canadian Habitat Pea Soup. MMMMmmmmm gOOOOOOD.
half of a plain omelet on a toasted sesame seed bagel
I'll have the other half for lunch
Blueberry yogurt and a banana. I wasn't so good at lunch though.
cantalope, cream cheese, and coffee....still hungry though.
For today it is apparently nothing since it is now after noon and I still have not eaten...though I have been awake for 7 hours.
Carvalho canned tuna (low merc) with garlic mayo on many seed bread...
I had leftover bbq ribs for breakfast. And some organic tea with milk to (pretend to) balance it out.
But yesterday I was good, and had oatmeal and raisins.
A very healthy and nutritious granola bar.
Two cups of tea.
One Meyer Lemon Truffle from Samaki Chocolates. <the courier package arrived and I couldn't resist - damn damn damn - that was soooooooo good>
Raspberry yogurt and apple cider. A little too sweet for my taste, but not bad for me.
I think it'll be a tuna sandwich, when I get around to it; still having coffee and checking news updates.
Actually, what I had at breakfast this morning was gas - apparently from the barbecue I ate for lunch yesterday! Whew, whatever you do, don't come over by me!
Okay, I won't.
How are you liking Michigan?
I like it, but the job is damn weird. I may not last.
hmm, cjhsa's in Michigan. I know how to get to Michigan. I'll bet he has good venison. hmmmmmm
cheese omelet on multi-grain toast
3 cups of Earl Grey tea
1/2 Meyer Lemon truffle <I shared with Carmela>