half a bag of Cheetos
(the bean made me do it)
slice of cantaloupe, half a bagel, small cup of coffee, tablespoon of Maalox.
lasagna and a few pieces of watermelon
I'm on the path to hell at this rate
The only thing I have eaten today was a bay of lays chips... and I am hungry.. I have been up for 7 hours
toasted bagel with a cheese egg-white omelette with hot sauce mmmmmmmmmmm
3, no 4, cups of Earl Grey tea
I've been in Iraq for the last 7 months. We just got a "hardened" chowhall (where we eat) extention built on to our old building. Our old building is more like a warehouse and the extention is like stables added on to it. It looks like it should be the scene of a viking feast with big battle axes on the walls. That's what I picture everytime I'm in there.
The food isnt bad though. We have civilians cook us food, which, for breakfast you get a choice of eggs, hashbrown, gravy, biscuits, toast, and sometimes sausage. The usual breakfast. Some places I've been out here serve "Tray Rations", which is lower quality but isnt too bad, but the eggs take some getting used to and clear you out by mid day.
For Easter, I ate chicken tray "rats" at one of our forward operating bases and it was honestly some of the best chicken I've ever had.
Hey, welcome to a2k, blindsight.
Hmmm, was that good chicken spicy at all?
Welcome, blindsight.
Got busy running errands this morning. Who knew it would be so difficult to find more memory sticks for my camera? Didn't get around to eating my first meal til around 2 p.m. Found some thin veal slices in the fridge, heated them in honey-baked ham bbq sauce, threw it on a ciabbetta bun with some slivered parmesan. Damn good.
No tea today. I've been drinking water outside, and Wink when I come inside.
Just got back from a Cracker Barrel. Had the Southern Tradition breakfast: 2 eggs, biscuit and gravy and thick cut bacon...damn good eating.
panzade, I love your avatar.
I don't know. (good answer)
just funny.
It's still sad for me. The tear is falling for my late great chef friend CavFancier.
ahhhhhhhhhh. I'm sorry.
I didn't know that is what the avatar stood for.

Just thought it was meant to be cute. Makes sense now.
I should post the pic of the weeCav I took at Buttercup's apartment-warming. That is one lovey-dovey, wine-loving doggie.
Banana-nut muffin with BUTTER.
3 cups of Earl Grey tea.
Toasted cherry apricot hearth bread from Brio Bakery (local), with reallll butter.
bean and I had salmon, broccoli, cauliflower, fried crispy sweet potato and baby carrots.
BIG glass of orange juice with TONS of pulp.
You guys make me feel bad as I have terrible choices for breakfast. haha
I had a fruit smoothie with wheat germ (so i started out good)
then a huge slice of hawaiian pizza
then one cheese stick
now, jalapeno cheese crackers.
Pizza for breakfast? You have to do better than that Jao
und no Jalapeno for baby Jao
I just finished my breafast with Arpricots, Plums, and different kind of cheeses. Coffee.
Glass apple juice
4 tablespoon oats porrige with water,or if you are self indulgent,skim milk with sprinkle of salt and tablespoon of sugar.
Large banana.
Cup of tea with 2 fags.