You should try Cream of the West, yummy & fast:
Usually available at any grocer.
Ahem, pardon me my dear woman, ehbeth. If you are ill,
which you are - why are you at work, rather than at home
in your bed where you should be? How do you expect to
get better - your body's immune system can only do so
much, and then it requires a little help from you, like in the
form of know, spend the day in bed, or (horror)
maybe two days in bed. One thing that I have noticed about
we working women - we never seem to think that we are
entitled to a "sick day". And you sound quite sick to me
ehbeth. Do your BODY a favor. Rest!
babs - i'm a bad patient, always have been. Thanks for the suggestions. I generally stick to Buckley's, but a light dose of Benadryl seemed to be what i needed this time round - the sneezing just kept coming back! The zinc tabs do seem to be helping - this is the first cold that i've used them reasonably regularly.
I can't use much of the Dimetapp group of meds - they knock me right out - i fly to the ceiling and crash. I was quite careful with the Benadryl - i only used 6 tabs over 5 days - according to the package i could have used 40 in that period! I've been drinking quite a bit of water, orange juice, and non-caffeine lemon tea. Aside from 2 days feeling like i had a pumpkin on my shoulders, this hasn't been too horrid. Cross your fingers that i'll continue to improve (and i will take it easy this weekend).
soooooooo back to breakfast - this was the first day this week that i really had breakfast again - and what did i do? a quick trip to the burger king in the food court for an egg and cheese croissanwich and a large o.j. The day really did go better after that.
Piffy, I LOVE Cream of the West! Once I once bought a special assortment, with boxes of all the variaties, and they even gave you four huge cloth napkins/bandannas, with brands on them!
I thinkI'll get some.
Because I've taken to augmenting my eggs with a little oatmeal.
Has anyone noticed a new product called ...aaah..The Perfect You, or something?
They sell it at my health food supermarket, which will sell NO chemical additives. So the stuff has no chemicals. It's made of some fiber, forget name, a little fruit, and calcium.
But a packet of it contains NO nasty chemicals, no sugars, no carbs. It will sweeten tea or coffee, can be drunk in water, as a drink, and-I put it on my oatmeal!
It's not pretty, like the chemical non-sugars, which slip invisibly into your cup. This stuff sort of turns white, until you stir it in, and leaves a white ring on a navy tea-cup. But-hey-it works!
Breakfast: 2 eggs free-range eggs scrambled with hot pepper relish, a cup of oatmeal with the new sweetner, green tea mixed with Celestial Seasonings Cold Season Echinacea Tea. :wink:
Bethie, do you ever like herbal remedies?Echinacea works wonders for me,and I do a lot of astragalus during flu season . It tones the immune system.I have also, like Phonix, zapped colds with ZICAM.I read that zinc works in the nasal passages, not in the throat or stomache!
Hope your cold continues to improve.
JoanD - I'd actually started taking Echinacea a few weeks ago, but I can never get the schedule right - 1 week on, 2 off - or is it 2 weeks on and 1 off? The zinc lozenges I've been taking are doing something right (or so it seems), I'll keep on with them and LOTS of fluids. Seems I need to go upstairs almost as often as the dogs need to go out.
Andrew Weil sez Echinacea can be taken successfully on a constant basis, unless one has an auto-immune disease.For those who prefer to rest it, the thing is about 3 on to 1 off. But NEVER off while you have a cold!Or afterwards, until you are strong again.
Yes, I had some good results with zinc lozenges, but nothing like when I used ZICAM.It was amazing!
Incidentally, the stuff is called Ideal You. "All natural sweet nutrition, Great taste! No Calories!"
I think Piffy might want to check this out.
Joan -- PFK adores Cream of Wheat, but what I meant was Cream of the WEST -- from roasted Montana wheat. It's really the only hot cereal I like. I avoid oatmeal and I don't think I"ve ever eaten a whole bowl of cream of wheat. <hanging head in shame, knowing these are supposed to be eaten by all good liberals>
Beth -- I can't keep track of that three on, one off, cycle with Echinichea, either, so here's what I do: Start the Echichea strong and hard when I'm getting a cold. Hopefully two the night before, then two in the morning, two in afternoon, and two just before bed. Of course, that's hard on the tummy so I have to take it with food, yougurt being my choice. When I'm over the cold. Stop. If I start running a fever, I go to the doctor.
Most people have that sort of "awful" feeling just before they get sick. That's when to start. If you say to self, "Am I coming down with something?" Assume you are and start. Zinc has real claims to efficacy. Those cherry-flavored zinc cough drops are smart, since zinc may be one of the nastiest tastes in all the universe. Vitamin C is such a friendly thing; it is always good to have. But for all vitamins, I no longer take 'em everyday, but instead 2-3 X per week.
Glad your feeling energized, Phoenix!
Not speaking from personal experience, but I heard that McCann's can be soaked the night before, covered in the pan, and then it cooks lots faster. 'Course, you have to plan ahead, etc. Clearly beyond my talents, so this is only hearsay.
Did you cook little bits of fruit in it? Or nuts? My pa's favorite way.
Piffy Love,I did say Cream of the West! It was someone else who mentioned Cream of Wheat!
Is cream of the west related to red river cereal?
I don't THINk so, although they do make several varieties of cereal (at least 3). But they're all called Cream of the West whatever.As I remember.I'll try their website.
Nope. Cream of the WestRoasted Wheat, Roasted7Grain, RoastedRanch, and Montana Crunch.This is what they make.
Charming company, charming website
Looks like they are kinda cousins. Red River Cereal is made with wheat, rye and flax. It's a traditional Canadian Prairie product. I like it because it's got flax in it, and i try to get a reasonable amount of flax into my diet. I've never tried their instant version. I still prefer overnight oatmeal, but who has the time anymore? well, except at Christmas of course.
Today was a fun breakfast day. I started with tangerine/orange juice, then a cup of tea, then more juice. Then i headed off to do some errands - realized i was starving - treated myself to a Baskin-Robbins frozen yogurt for breakfast - caramel chocolate cheesecake frozen yogurt in a cup -now that's a fun breakfast!
I may have a JoanD breakfast after i finish colouring my hair - scrambled Omega 3 eggs with white corn/black bean salsa.
I finally got it right - oatmeal for breakfast today!
I had Aloe Vera yoghurt today. Now this HAS to be good for you!
urs-aloe vera yogurt????How did it TASTE?Was it to eat--or to put on your face?Well,I'msure it was VERY healthful! How do you feel?
Bethie-yes, the Red River has a lot of similarities to Cream of the West.Maybe they are by an Ameri/Canadian, western company.
Today, I had a bit of not smoked, but roast with garlic and onion, Copper River Salmon with my scrambled eggy-weggs. A little red onion sauteed in there.I rolled it all up in a warm whole wheat tortilla.
It was good.
The Copper River Salmon is now smoked and in cryopacs at my market. But, truely, I despise the way the house smells , hours later, after cooking that lox!The roast salmon w/garlic & onion is much more manageable.