panzade : i,m sure there were ham and grits on the buffet , but the going was heavy, so had to skip it - there were also homefries ... and ... and ...
good thing our doc didn't see us ! but one lives only once , right ? so we did enjoy our food - after all it was buffet - can't just give up easily - but we did skip lunch ! hbg
just a tease as I fly 3,000 miles for my ration of poutaine
You'd better let us know if you head toward Montreal for some poutine, Panzade.
half a hot cross bun and some coffee
12-grain toast, Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper, a packet of Emer'Gen-C and 5 mg Klonopin.
Sounds awful. I hope you're better soon.
I could so go for an omlette today.
George, it's not that bad. Drink a cup of coffee for me.
Bella Dea wrote:I could so go for an omlette today.
I could go for an owlet today. Sssss...I'm a raptor's raptor.
Cheese omelette with hot sauce.
3 cups of Earl Grey tea.
Hope you enjoyed your coffee George
French toast from the Vietnamese fast food joint at the bottom of our tower. Amazing french toast. $1.82 including tax, and a cup of verra potent brewed tea.
dang...i knew i forgot something this morn!!!!!!
In the two hours I've been awake, I've had a large bacon, sausage & mushroom sandwich, a can of coke, 1 large cup of tea, 2 strong cups of coffee and 3 cigarettes. Healthy and nutritious!
Last night's leftover - steak, baked potato, fried mushrooms and onions. Strong coffee first, though.
(Found the Maple Dale the very next time I went to the local dairy. Didn't expect to see it...been there dozens of times and never noticed. Anywayz...I purchased the "extra old" but have no idea how long it had been aged. I bypassed the one, two and three-year-old cheeses, thinking "extra" was the key word. I should have, perhaps, checked the price instead. Looking forward to sampling the others.)
3 lbs of refined sugar mixed with a can of Crisco and spread on a loaf on Wonder Bread. 3 Dr. Peppers and some chocolate cake.
2 hours later....
all bran cereal with oat bran, raisins, flax seed topped with soy formula.
New ingredient to my breakfast cereal..cinnamon!
