cicerone imposter wrote:Ay, Eat a good serving of fruits and veggies, and excercise regularly. Your total chloresterol will go down, and your good chloresterol will go up.
Thanks for the tips CI

I am a vegetarian of the vegan sort: no dairy, no eggs, no fish or poultry and trust me, I consume heaps of fruits and veggies
I make all my own baked goods and cut back on fats in my baking by substituting with homemade, sugar free applesauce. I do not use eggs or milk in my bread and add heaps of oats, wheat germ, natural bran along with whole wheat flour.
I exercise daily because ...well because it is good for me

Besides, I have Native blood in me and I am predisposed to that body shape and quite frankly, I don't like it all that much
I know I ought to eat breakfast and I like breakfast, I just don't like eating breakfast in the morning

I would much rather have breakfast for lunch

Skip lunch and bring on dinner!