Fish oil always makes me think of cod liver oil.
Oatmeal's delish.
In tablet form you don't taste it, at least as long as you don't burp.
There's also a flax seed derived Omega-3 oil, if the fish oil bugs you or you are vegetarian/vegan.
If you like oatmeal, great. I don't, at least not that much. I'm just telling you my results - for whatever reason, using half the recommended daily dosage, my TCL dropped 20 points.
I only use Omega-3 eggs, and have flax-seed pitas, and I urp.
Artisan bread with sultanas.
Lady Grey tea.
breakfast? Whoops. Off to get an egg-cheese sammich...........
that sounds like a good idea for lunch
i know the dogs would be thrilled
my usual coffee at the local shop. nothing interesting in today's paper.
You've got to have something with that coffee, c.i. Your gut will thank you.
I'm hoping the hamburgers are having a nice breakfast in San Diego, Old Town, today.
yogurt, banana, and water
I usually go for coffee to read my newspaper except when the wife goes with me. she orders a breakfast sandwich with bacon or ham with eggs on wheat bread, and we share it.
Two thin slices of sammich ham and one small slice of cheese, laid on a flour tortilla. Nuke 'til the cheese melts and roll up.
Good hand warmer for the walk to the bus stop...
Sounds nutritious and warming, wy!
This one's for Sarah Morgan.
Half a vidalia onion, sauteed. The rest of the pan topped up with sliced, boiled, unpeeled potatoes. 3 slices of black forest ham, cut into small small wedges with my pinking shears. The whole thing cooked down down down. A bit of goat cheese tossed in at the end.
Serve, and ignore the dogs.
Leftovers! Hurray!
Sunday morning breakfast...fried potatoes and onions, scrambled eggs, toast, sausage....5 cups of coffee and a Goody's the studio today and will not eat again...protein, a few carbs and fat for energy to hit those high notes....and some hangover helper.........God Bless modern science and nutrition......
the lady Diane bought a cinnamon roll yesterday and hid it behind the micro-wave, but she tends to sleep in a bit so when I found it this morning I ate it. She is now in the kitchen rustling about, I ain't talking.
toast with butter for me.... soooo not a cinnamon roll.
The wife and I actually went for breakfast this morning at Country Gourmet. Egg omlette with wheat toast and coffee. Hit the spot!
I found a little bowl of raisin bran... yum. Will keep me "going" for a while.