damn..i stay hungry..had a bowl of chex and 2 pieces of toast.
It's after noon here, and I'm nibbling on my bagel from this morning.
Did manage to drink a coupla small vats of tea.
Ever notice that when Chex go on sale, the Wheat Chex disappear before you can ever get to the store? There's always plenty of rice, corn, etc.
So, I had Multi-Bran Chex, whole wheat toast, and earl grey.
Are you trying to say it's beneath you to knock an old lady over to get to the wheat chex before the store runs out?
No, but those old ladies are sneaky. They hide them in their cart underneath the Depends.
Careful...this could turn into the Insult Chain Game.
I'll stick with my morning coffee.
Doing my best to steer away from that....
cjhsa wrote:No, but those old ladies are sneaky. They hide them in their cart underneath the Depends.
I see you have been watching them. Did you take notes?
For the sake of this thread, I had a banana for breakfast.
I'm gonna spoil all of your breakfasts with this side note. I just returned from a ten day transAtlantic cruise from Lisbon to Barbados on the ship, Insignia, a 680 passenger ship, and the breakfast on the ship was just overwhelmed with choices. Fruits of all kind, smoked salmon, omletts, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, milk, orange juice, grapefruit juice, tomato juice, pastries, cold cereal of all kinds, oatmeal, lots of other stuff, and the best coffee on any ship on the seas. The waiters and waitresses came by your table regularly to make sure your coffee cup, juice glass, and water was always full. Now, that's living!
That is quite a breakfast story! Can I carry your bag's on the next trip?
paulaj, Unfortunately, there are about a dozen people ahead of you to "carry my bags." LOL
A really good bran muffin and a glass of chilled white grape juice.
Boring, but I think I will saute a lobster cake patty or several coconut encrusted butterflied shrimp for lunch along with leftover pilaf with pistachios.
Hey, it's 32 degrees outside today and was 12 degrees last night. A girl needs food to keep warm.
Paula, I do find it odd that you follow me out of the insult thread. Why?
c.i.???????????? Is that you really? I heard stories of your a2k demise........I guess they were exaggerated.
Happy to see you, man! Hang in there.......and behave!
At a work conference at the Intercontinental today and tomorrow.
Managed to get in about 4 small cups of tea in the morning. Really really good Darjeeling blend. 2 mini oatmeal muffins which were fancy hotel posh - with PB and honey
Lola, I'm gonna behave, cause I'm staying away from the Politics Forums and some people. he he he...