A huge glass of fresh fruit and vegetable juice - usually have some combination of carrot, apple, celery, ginger, rockmelon and whatever other fruit / vegetable that juices well. I generally make about a pint or more - if I have to clean the juicer I may as well make it worthwhile. I just love my juicer. And the summer fruits are coming!
And, because it's a weekend, a couple of rashers of bacon (none of this turkey bacon stuff), grilled, and a couple of slices of whole grain toast, buttered (all my animal fats in one meal!)
orange ^^^ in honour of my favourite juice, orange/carrot/ginger
Chilaquiles. With Brian, his parents, aunt, uncle, cousin, brother, and brother's girlfriend. It was so yummy and fun. Good breakfast.
It followed about 14 hours of much-needed sleep. I feel pretty good!
Hey MaryCat!
ok - so what's a chilaquile? a drink? a type of food? WHAT!
Oh boy, get ready to write down a recipe for something good!!
(Where are those chillies??)
sure, just as soon as I wipe the fat-free sour cream off my face.
(i found some very sweet, wild pacific, smoked salmon - mmmmm - sunflower rye bread, a shmeer of cream cheese, some chunks of smoked salmon, and a big dollop of ff sour cream, a twist of cracked black pepper and sea salt - i'm purring)
Scrambled eggs with strips of corn tortilla mixed in, and tomatoes, onions, and peppers. And cheese melted overtop. Eaten best with homemade salsa, and wrapped in a freshly made corn tortilla.
Really good Mexican food is one of the things about living in Texas that I really like.
I eat a different breakfast every day, so can't quite answer question poll. Today I had two thin slices of a local bakery panettone, and coffee. Sometimes I have grits plus stuff in them. Sometimes I have scrambled eggs wrapped in a tortilla. Sometimes I have smoked salmon and crackers. Sometimes I have... (now that I found it) the sunflower rye bread ehbeth is probably talking about, with a smudge of, yes, butter. Sometimes I have a tuna sandwich.
marycat - that sounds interesting.
ossoB - all of those options sound good. I've just learned about grits in the last few years. they're definitely not a german or canajun tradition.
deli-style sunflower rye toast with double fruit strawberry jam and some nice strong swiss cheese bits on the side (the dogs and i are sharing)
a vat of English Breakfast tea
i need my tea in the morning
coffee...I'm on a water fast until Monday.
I might have a steak sammich.
I'm about to fix myself a scrambled egg, a piece of toast and Diet Pepsi to drink.
My wife and I went to the local coffee shop for coffee and bagel breakfast sandwich to read the San Jose Merc.

We're going to the Art and Wine bazaar in downtown Sunnyvale this morning before the crowds hits.
That sounds like a wonderful day plan for you and the little woman CI. Can I come?
Montana, You're welcome any day of the week.
yeh CI some of my favorite breakfasses were in the Marin county cafes near San Quentin . Eat, then hop the ferry.
Ehbet, weve been learning to make soft pretzels and made thick so that they serve as a bread. When still warm we cut em and serve the nova lox or smoked sweet salmon sort of like you except there are these new PA Sweety onions which are so great and sweet that with a schmear an salmon and onion with a great big dump of ground pepper for "grippage" , its great with a side of scrambled and OJ
cicerone imposter wrote:Montana, You're welcome any day of the week.

Awww!!! How sweet of you to say that.
You are making me drool!
farmerman, I drink OJ almost every day. I think it's kept me very healthy, because I haven't had a cold in many a year.
I started drinking OJ every day about a year ago and I haven't been sick either :-)