farmerman, that's a marvellous sounding meal!
quite a bit like the breakfast/brunch i hope to be treated to on my birthday (hint, hint, hint)
If anybody needs to learn how to make soft pretzels just yell. they are like thinner bagels with a neat little twist
Boiled in honey water before baking?
just bought three dozen "montreal bagels"(coated with sesame seeds) at our natural food store. i like to pair a sliced bagel with some REAL pumpernickel(it's got to be REAL whole-grain rye and dark and juicy; it should have a sweet smell when the package is openend). i like to stack it with lots of cold cuts(smoked ham and lachs-schinken are favourites) or two or three different kinds of cheeses. for lunch (our main meal of the day) we had home-made aspargus soup (bought ten pounds of aspargus at the farm yesterday !) with lots of meatballs and a BAGEL (with a good-size side salad). breakfast is usually a major affair at our house. when we come home from the pool, our appetite has usually perked up. so we have a large bowl of granola with BALKAN-STYLE yoghurt (it's without sugar or fruit and has a bit of a sour taste - which we like) with fresh fruit (kiwis, bananas, mangoes - don't have any local strwberries yet). that's follwed by an egg or two, some cold-cuts, cheese, bagels and good hearty rye bread and a couple of cups of coffee. that usually satisfies us 'til lunchtime ! hbg
I had a very fast bowl of corn puff and craisins with almond milk. And a huge cuppa joe.
Dangit Dys, quit it. We want you to stay around for a while.
So this morning I had a Los Bagels bagel with butter - I know, I know, but I didn't have any cream cheese and I wanted it to have a little something, and then opened a package of Lasco Nova smoked salmon (known to me as lox) and draped portions about, here and there, and ate it.
I know, maybe not the best Nova - it's from LA (LA?), and here I live in salmon country, but it still tasted good. It set me up for the day, and I needed it, this is our hardest day of the month at work, with the gallery opening in the evening.
Haven't eaten since then, except for a few nibbles of bread and grapes at the opening, and I survived.
Los Bagels, a jewish mexican bagelry, which makes bagels unlike the puffy foofoos that are abroad on the land, but also unlike the primo old fashioned bagels from IMJoy in LA, my example for good ones. (Yeh, ehBeth, but you never tried IMJoy's...)
You're making me want to get on the 1/9 and go down to 79th Street to H&H Bagels. How the people around there can sleep with the smell of fresh bagels in the air.....? I don't know.
Of course, I'm not eating much bread these days....

but it sures sounds good.
Skinny maple bacon with one egg. (the rest of the bacon and the other egg are for the dogs) Sourdough toast. Vat of tea.
Bailey is staring at me.
He wants baconandegg. Now.
my last sausage, from "Butcher by Nature", at Annette and Runnymead, and my one, rationed egg (with caffe au lait).
No breakfast. I did go to the local coffee shop for my coffee and newspaper this morning. At quarter to 12, a friend is coming over, and we're going on a picnic (@ the National Semi offices here in Sunnyvale) before going to see a play about Asians at the San Jose Buddhist Temple. It seems this play originated in Los Angeles, and it's so good that many from Los Angeles are flying up to San Jose to see it again. I heard that over 500 are going to attend this play and picnic.
c.i. : no breakfast ? that sounds like punishment to me ! sorry, i could not participate in the poll : no entry for "gluttony" . why not ? hbg
chili (verde) cheeseburger
dys, At the very least, you are consistent with the cheeseburger.

I consume a cheeseburger about six times a year, and a regular without cheese about another six times a year. About one third of those are consumed with beer.
The dogs and I had chili cheeseburger mac n cheese tonight. Sorta made from scratch. They're still cautiously optimistic that they're going to get some more.