No lecture, Lola, but maybe a slightly concerned look heading your way.
same from me, Lola, though who am I to talk...
margo, several items you mentioned sounded both healthy and yummy.
no lecture's here, esp from moi, so chow down on the fried bread in bacon grease and warsh it down with some champagne or whatever if you must but you gotta nibble sometime...
Now, too much of nothing
Can make a man feel ill at ease.
One man's temper might rise
While another man's temper might freeze.
In the day of confession
We cannot mock a soul.
Oh, when there's too much of nothing,
No one has control.
Say hello to Valerie
Say hello to Vivian
Send them all my salary
On the waters of oblivion
Too much of nothing
Can make a man abuse a king.
He can walk the streets and boast like most
But he wouldn't know a thing.
Now, it's all been done before,
It's all been written in the book,
But when there's too much of nothing,
Nobody should look.
Say hello to Valerie
Say hello to Vivian
Send them all my salary
On the waters of oblivion
Too much of nothing
Can turn a man into a liar,
It can cause one man to sleep on nails
And another man to eat fire.
Ev'rybody's doin' somethin',
I heard it in a dream,
But when there's too much of nothing,
It just makes a fella mean.
Say hello to Valerie
Say hello to Vivian
Send them all my salary
On the waters of oblivion
very nice, mikey.
very appropriate.
how are things in the land of flannel? have the ladies returned your shirts? hmmmmm, that was presumptuous. let's re-phrase.
have the women returned your shirts?
you know they never return nuttin honey as well as i do. once it's gone it's gone.
the thrift shops are hot here now for restocking the supplies, not that i need to many.
thanks guys for the none lecturing concern
I'll try harder......... tomorrow, I'll have a hard boiled egg and a peice of toast, maybe some orange juice and, of course coffee
any one of those, in addition to the coffee, would be a good step for you. you need to take care of yourself. don't you have plans to do things now that your studies are done?
i would can the coffee and replace it with a bit of champagne, whip cream, peaches or strawberries or some such fruity or so assumed healthy thingy with your breakfast. just a thought.
thanks mikey. I always appreciate your advice. But as Beth points out, I do have plans for the rest of my life and I should, now that I'm all done writing and free to have some fun, eat properly. And exercise too. I'll keep you all informed.
The encouragement is very welcome.
Hi ehBeth,The Quebec wild variety is now on sale, probably in TO too.
Daughter and I don't like food in the AM, but during a recent check-up, we were lambasted--and now drink a Slim Fast shake for nutritional purposes.
Its not too bad.
pssst, sofia,
i got a fine stash of Ensure in the fridge just to cover myself....
MARGO I'm still trying to work out why eggs are cackle berries
fruit of the cackler
any better yet, Kev?
not telling about today
tomorrow I'll tell
Ensure. Does it taste better than Slim Fast, do ya know? A week on Slim Fast, and I'm looking for alternatives.
I would never have got there, I've never heard hens referred to as cacklers. They don't cackle, they cluck.
Tea and a handful of smoked almonds. Running late.