Fortunately for me, anyway, I don't eat the whole can in one sitting. I mix the can of tuna with fat free mayo and lot'sa onions, and stuff it on two slices of bread. I eat the remainder the next day, usually as a snack, using one slice of bread. c.i.
New Haven, My blood pressure is under control. It's within the "normal" range with meds. I don't worry too much about what I eat, because I eat 'healthy' over 80 percent of the time. That's enough 'control' for me! For example, we went to a wedding reception last night at a Chinese restaurant, and I ate everything that was served including the lobster.

LOL c.i.
Good news Ci- porage or porridge is very good for the old bp as well
Just read a medical news that chloresterol meds, the statin group, helps with arthritis.

Hmm. How so? Does it help the arthritis destroy your bones faster? I went on statins about a year ago and since then have had a bad case of arthritis start up in my shoulder.
Interesting. They don't seem to be helping me.
Hmm, today no breakfast at all: I had an awful heartburn in the morning and was unable to eat anything...
That doesn't sound good, steissd. I hope you feel better later today.
I'm going to meet hamburger and mrs. hamburger at the train station in about an hour. We're going to visit 'Chinatown 3' here in Toronto, and also spend some time in Kensington Market, which is a wonderful area. For about the last 150 years, it is where new immigrants have traditionally established small businesses, usually reflecting the fruits and veggies of their home country. Right now, there are a lot of African market stalls, along with some long-established Eastern European glatt kosher food shops and some Peruvian and Portuguese food shops. A fun place to visit and sample food (and buy cheese!). I'm having a peanut butter and strawberry sauce on cracked wheat sandwich, with a glass of o.j. to get me going.
I had sliced turkey on a flour tortilla with a little chipotle sauce, and a glass of fat free milk, and vitamins. Well, I was in a hurry...
Beth! Your parents are coming to town?
sunflower toast with almond butter and black cherry jam.... and a cuppa joe.
Toasted tea cakes with marmalade and a nice cup of tea then a cup of coffee
what exactly are tea cakes?
They are large shallow buns with raisins and sultanas in them. You split them into two halves and toast them, then you spread lashings of dairy butter and marmalade on them-yum yum
Went for my regular this morning. Had a mother and her two daughters at the next table. It's a family place - very nice! c.i.
Mother and two daughters is pretty heavy fair for breakfast, isn't it. Or were they quite small?
c.i.'s a spry old fart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (What did wifey say!)
BillW, Yes, I'm a spry old fart, but I still enjoy nice look'n families enjoying themselves. c.i.