Skipped my regular this morning. c.i.
Breakfast: OJ
Decaf Coffee
Lunch: OJ + Banana
My wife joined me for a late visit to the coffee shop. c..
As a result of dlowan's boiled egg digression, I was forced to have 2 soft boiled googies for breakfast. Opened little end up, in my eggcup from Cheverney, France, with wholemeal toast soldiers, a glass of carrot and celery juice, and a cup of English Breakfast tea. Hmmmm - great!
Sort of late, but went for coffee and glazed donut this morning to read my San Jose Mercury News. It was relatively empty and quiet - the way I like it! c.i.
Donuts seem to work for c.i., New Haven. Amazingly, they (plain glazed donuts) have fewer calories and carbs than muffins and bagels - less fibre as well, of course. Luckily, c.i.'s a skinny guy with an apparently superb metabolism.
what did i start the day with? ohhhh yeah, tuna with lime/chili salsa on cracked wheat toast again. Seems to be becoming my Sunday morning routine. oh, and lots of chai. Trying to stay awake for the Sunday evening art-salon chat.
ehBeth, Don't know if you know it or not, but did you know that tuna has mercury? It's suggested that we eat tuna less than once a week. c.i.
Funny for me to be saying that, because I just bought four cans of tuna at Longs this week. They were selling at 2 for $1. In water ofcoarse!

i need my fish, c.i., and i'm awfully fussy about it. so tuna it will have to be for now.
What about that cholesterol, hardening of the arteries and possible hypertension?
Watch out for the sodium in the tuna . You might want to use the salt-free to avoid elevating your blood pressure.
Donuts still do better than muffins when it comes to cholesterol. There was a fairly big study done here a few years ago about this - weighing all the factors, a plain glazed donut was the best option of the muffin/donut/bagel choice many people make in the morning when they're grabbing something fast.
NH - i'm the weekly tuna eater - given my low blood pressure, the sodium's a good thing. I'm supposed to use more salt!
Do you have Addison's disease, by any chance?
NH - i didn't see c.i.'s comment that he'd bought tuna - sorry about that.
The can says it's 10% sodium. That's not too bad when considered from the standpoint that I eat tuna about once every two or three weeks. c.i.
In my tuna can, there are 2.5 servings of tuna. Each serving contains 250 mg sodium. The whole can then contains 625 mg of sodium.
If you eat only one serving, that's OK. But if you eat the whole can, that's a lot of sodium.