La Moona bread (orangey!) and tea. And heading off to school extra early today.
Honey Nut Shredded Wheat. Not your daddy's cereal.
Same as yesterday - Oats!
hot chocolate with 1/2 cheese scone at a breakfast meeting
fruit salad and 1/2 croissant and cranberry juice a few hours later
yogurt & raisins
Broke out of the mold - sausage egg and cheese croissant!
Thats an interesting breakfast may try it myself
uhhh, Burger King! (You forced it out of me)
We stopped at Hardy's (treat) and got decaf coffee and a bacon, egge and cheese biscuit. Mmmmmmmmm....good. Then drove 11/2 hours to see grandson, another Mmmmmmmmm...good.
Have an excellent day mapleleaf
I had a half bowl of raisin bran (all that was left) and two pots of tea around 7, then went out for brunch with friends around 1 and had a spinach and feta omelette, mediocre potatoes, and rye toast.
I think dinner will be lasagna.
My wife suggested a visit to the coffee shop this morning, so I had my usual cup and a onion toasted bagel with sour cream. c.i.
3 small pancakes with a topping made by mixing freshly squeezed o.j. with a bit of maple syrup. a bigggggggggggg glass of o.j. the outside layer of plain chocolate from a truffle. i tossed the inside part. toooooooo sweet.
I had my regular this morning, but I think it's going to be breakfast food for lunch at IHOP.

Honey nut shredded wheat (again) and a glass of lemonaid. Took the kids to school so the better half could get some sleep.