Breakfast, breakfast, breakfast. How about lunch, lunch, lunch? c.i.
How about a midnight snack? I just had two lemons with salt, a small clementine tangerine and three slices of cheese with table water crackers.
Lola, What are "table water crackers?" I don't believe I've ever heard the term before. c.i.
Those are the ones, mac. I recommend them with cheese, c.i.
Toast with apricot jam washed down with a good cup of English (ok well Indian then) tea. For dinner later we will be having that good old fashioned English staple - indian curry !
tea with rugelach
macsm, Thanks for the picture, but it's a bit small for my bad eyes. Are they anything like saltines? c.i.
They are very thin and crispy and have very little flavor - even less than a saltine. I think they come salted or unsalted. Have you every had matzoh? They kind of remind me of that.
Wow, that is bland! Good to use with almost anything else. c.i.
I'm surprised you don't know what they are c.i., they are sold everywhere around here.
This morning the better half made oatmeal, but I didn't feel like it. It wasn't a pretty sight.
cjh, The only cracker that held any interest for me were saltines. Especially when I was stationed in Morocco in the late fifties. Ate saltines and sardines for snacks. Now days, I have no interest in any kind of cracker. Sometimes, I will eat a cookie, but very rarely. My favorite snacks are sunflower seeds, ice cream, chocolates, and jelly belly. c.i.
Toast again today, cereal tomorrow at 4:30 am ouch!- then Saturday =Porridge or porage, too much information already !
I know I'm falling apart; took yeserday's newspaper to the coffee shop, and those loud bozos were sitting at the next table talking so loud, the neighboring shops could hear! They sure know how to make the environment unpleasant. Somebody don't understand "noise pollution." c.i.
Just inform the management c.i. They'd rather lose four obnoxious customers than one good one.
Today I had a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats and apple cider to wash down my vitamins.
cjh, I usually tell any noisy slob to keep it down, but these three guys all look like football players, and I'm a tiny 5ft 7 senior. c.i.
New York City just outlawed cell phones in public places like theaters, concert halls, museums, libraries, galleries, and movies. Good for them! c.i.
i'd never seen signs banning cell phone use in shops until i visited cambridge, mass last fall. i'd also never realized how much they needed to be banned til i was there. apparently canajuns have proportionately more cell phones than anyone other than the finns, but we don't use them as much. or maybe we're more careful about where we use them?
Yoghurt again... But tomorrow is Saturday which means breakfeast that I have to chew! And coffee. And my newspaper. I love Saturday!