margo, We had Christmas dinner at my brother-in-laws, and they served ham. We brought some home, and that's been my lunch for almost all the time since. c.i.
One of my selections wasn't there.
What about unhealthy children's breakfast cereals. You know the stuff-covered in chocolate or sugar.
Bacon, cheese omelet, banana, toast and jelly - hot apple cider!
No change, except my wife joined me this morning.

Left-over pad thai and thai pineapple fried rice. The doggies and i are very pleased. I make sure i got all the tofu, and they got a bit of the chicken and rice.
A toasted everything-with-flax bagel i found in the fridge (i still haven't dug my car out of the snow), with some tuna mixed with salsa. Making another pot of English Breakfast tea. Looking at a tin of Aachener Prinzen, trying to decide which cookie is THE cookie. Perhaps more than one will need to be sacrificed to the god of tea and cookies.
over easy egg with toast and one tiny strip of turkey bacon. Coffee......always coffee......
i could almost hear that, Lola.
Coffee, always coffee. I'm not a coffee drinker myself, but that was audible.
standard sunday morning brekkies: 2 eggies, bacon, tomato juice and buttermilk bisquits with pork sausage gravy.and COFFEE
dys, With bacon and eggs, you gotta have coffee to call it a breakfast.

i like you coffee people. so emphatic in your love of coffee.
ehBeth, But coffee is almost like my life's blood. Without it, my whole day goes to naught. c.i.
Coffee is not only essential these days, it is also good for you. YAY! Plus, I'm addicted and lovin it. It is nice, ehBeth, how people love their additions, especially those that are good for your health. Without coffee, I have a huge headache.
And when Lola has a headache, "nothing" happens.

Today was a ham and cheese croissant and a pint of strawberry milk, followed closely by a drink of coke and a cigarette.
Leftover mac & cheese and tea.
I used to be as emphatic a coffee-addict as anyone, and then I bacame allergic and it was sad. Now I drink extra tea to make up for the missing coffee!