I got up late and perforce had to amalgamate breakfast and dinner. Dinner is the mid-day meal in the common circles in northern England. It is Lunch at the posh end and Brunch for the in betweens. One goes to lunch and one has mi dinner. There's a different emphasis. Going to lunch is more abstract but not post-modern.
Although lunch does rhyme with crunch, munch, scrunch and bunch. Maybe it's not as posh as it thinks it is. Rhymes conjure unconscious harmonies and lunch sounds like the mandibles of some large insect working its way through a nutrient bed to me.
So--I had apple juice, porrige and a banana, my usual breakfast, it keeps me going, and baked beans on toast with wholemeal bread and 2 fingers of a Kit-Kat out of the fridge and two cups of strong, slightly sugared tea followed by a sweet coffee. 3 roll-ups while fiddling about on A2K and I was ready to go for a tough afternoon helping Gordon Brown to replenish the banks.