David the thread. which you started, is discussion of a cartoon. It has nothing to do with why black people voted for Obama. Both black and white and every hue in between voted for Obama because they believed he was the best choice for President, and why should that be an issue for anybody? Those, black or white or any other color who voted for Obama because he was the black candidate are as racist as much as would be any people who voted for McCain because he was the white candidate.
The cartoonist is being branded racist because he used a chimpanzee in the cartoon and our President happens to be black. If those same people would not have accused the cartoonist of racism if the President happened to be white, then the problem of racist attitudes more likely rests with those who accuse the cartoonist more than it rests with the cartoonist.
All I am saying is people whether cartoonists, pundits, writers, commentators, people writing on message boards, or anybody else should be allowed treat the President the same as they would treat him if he was blond and blue eyed. I don't want to be accused of racism when I do that, and I don't think a cartoonist should be branded racist when he does that.
(And I have been accused of being racist, prejudiced, a bigot and worse here on A2K way more than I have been accused of that all the rest of my life put together. It hasn't happened yet in this thread, but if this discussion continues, it probably will.)