Hot when sleeping

Sat 14 Feb, 2009 01:01 am
When ever I am asleep, I seem to get so hot! I can go to bed really cold but then wake up really hot. Why is this? Do our body's conserve heat when we are sleeping?
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Type: Question • Score: 26 • Views: 251,527 • Replies: 29
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Robert Gentel
Sat 14 Feb, 2009 01:57 am
Typically, the body temperature actually decreases from sleep, so unless it's a health condition I'd say you are likely just getting hot from being under the covers.
Sat 14 Feb, 2009 02:03 am
@Robert Gentel,
Well, it's tough for me to read or sleep on my bed when the sun is beating in the window. Weather conditions do matter.

This all could be from environmental considerations, or body chemicals, or degrees of fascination with non native climes.

So, what? Not enough info.
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Sat 14 Feb, 2009 02:13 am
Sometimes a high body core temperature while sleeping is an indication of a thyroid imbalance or diabetes. If this is a constant problem for you, be sure to bring it up with your doctor.

You might also check the tightness of the weave of your bedsheets (the thread count). In the winter time, I change my bedsheets to one of a tighter weave (high thread count) so that the covers retain more of my body heat. With those sheets, I only need a light weight thermal blanket over me to keep warm even on the coldest nights. In the summer, I change to a very loose weaved (lower thread count) sheet, if I use one at all, so that there is more air circulation under the covers.
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Sat 14 Feb, 2009 02:19 am
Night sweats are usually defined as episodes of significant nighttime sweating that soaks your bed clothes or bedding. This is a fairly common problem that many people experience from time to time.

Although uncomfortable, nighttime sweating typically isn't a sign of a serious underlying medical condition. It may be triggered by something as simple as too warm a room or too many blankets on the bed. Potential medical causes of night sweats include:

Medications such as certain high blood pressure drugs, over-the-counter fever reducers and antipsychotics
Drug or alcohol abuse
Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD)
See your doctor if night sweats occur on a regular basis and interrupt your sleep. Treatment is directed at the underlying cause, if it can be determined. Occasionally, night sweats are a symptom of a serious condition, such as cancer or infection. But in such cases, night sweats are often accompanied by other signs and symptoms, such as fever and unexplained weight loss

Sat 14 Feb, 2009 08:06 am
I was experiencing night sweats several years ago and , when I had my Dr look at me we got to the source and it was my Blood pressure meds.. So my doc halved my meds with half taken in the AM and half in the PM . Also Ive gone to thin cotton sheets . Rarely do I sleep with a blanket or quilt.
Some peoples BMR will "fire up" if you eat before bedtime. The digestive process can elevate your temp and give you a sense of overheating.
However, the diabetes connection has always been a concern for me cause my moms side of the family has a history.
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Sat 14 Feb, 2009 09:51 am
well, are you male or female?

what is your age?
Sat 14 Feb, 2009 01:02 pm
First thing I thought of: menopause.
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Mon 4 May, 2009 08:30 pm
I get VERY hot when I am sleeping! I don't sweat though. I laugh because my fiance describes my body after falling asleep as "furnace like" and we have to have a king size bed or he can't tolerate being in the bed with me. It's so weird because I don't notice it, but he certainly does. He says he wants to get one of those thermometer strips he can put on my forehead to check it while i'm sleeping....says i feel like i am "on fire". I had my TSH level checked and it came back normal, though I do have every other symptom of hypothyroidism as well.
Fri 31 Jul, 2009 10:46 pm
No way! I'm the same way. I remember as a child when my family stayed in a hotel and me and my sister shared a bed, she would get really hot from me and called me a "furnace." And now, probably almost 15-20 years later, my boyfriend complains of his human "furnace." I don't feel like I'm too hot, although I can tell that my core is hotter than it is during the day. I have found that I need to reach a certain temperature to fall asleep at night so I'm usually bundled up while my boyfriend sleeps with little to no covers. I don't sweat (except on a really hot day just like most people). And unlike some hot sleepers, I get hot BEFORE I fall asleep, so I don't think it's a type of sleep apnea. I also prefer a hot shower while my boyfriend finds the same temperature to be scalding. I have never recorded my temperature so I have no idea just how hot I get, or if it's just false personal perception. Maybe I should try one of those thermometer strips! Smile I have had little to no other 'health issues' in my life, so I don't think this is a symptom of a bigger problem. At least I hope not! The only other mysterious problem that I have had growing up that may or may not be related are some pretty severe leg cramps some nights. My mom called them growing pains, but if that's what they were I would be 20 feet tall by now and still growing! (I'm a pretty average 5'7") The only relief was when I rubbed them vigorously together. Any other similar hot sleepers have this problem too?
Sat 1 Aug, 2009 12:54 am
I wonder if this is related to dehydration somehow
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Tue 16 Mar, 2010 07:15 am
Since I was a little girl, I have slept hot. My mama complained about daddy being a 'heater box' .. I have seen a great niece who was hot as a new baby. At the age of near 54, I do sleep good. I do stick a leg out to cool me off. I do have only sheets over me to help the sweating. I have good thyroid. I think it is a family trait to sleep hot.. My blood work shows nothing wrong. I am not this way at all during the day, only cold if the air is cool outside.. Part of my good age I think LOL
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Mon 6 Dec, 2010 04:15 pm
Hi, My wife has the same issue. Were you able to find whats the solution and whats the cause of high body temp at night. It seems everybody talks but I can even find the Medical name for such phenomena. Did u had chance to talk to a doctor and what was conclusion?
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Tue 13 Sep, 2011 04:51 am
My son and I are the same as you describe. Both of us heat up before we go to bed. In fact, when he was little, that was the first sign it was time for his nap. Both of us are described by people as furnaces when we sleep. Both of us occasionally have night sweats. Like father, like son, I guess. Leg cramps, a lot, especially if I've forgotten to drink water sometime during the day (ie, by itself) In fact, as soon as I feel a cramp, my wife now runs to get me some water, it takes away the pain like magic. I wear very few blankets, my son must have a fan on and his window open to sleep. No known chronic health issues. For both of us, a big meal at night, like any kind of celebration dinner, almost guaranteed to bring on a very high temp and sweats. My wife prefers a king size bed for us also. I'm simply too hot for her most of the time. At 25 years together, I guess it's not a total deal breaker.
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Tue 14 Feb, 2012 05:59 am
I have the hot while sleeping since always, altough it is worse since i hit my twenties, and the leg pains as a child too!! Sometimes i still get the pain, but exceedingly rare now. As a child it was almost nightly. Have you made any progress in your searching???? Please let me know. The furnace sleeping is a pain to live with becasue I wake up and am like a zombie until i cool down!!!
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Thu 16 Feb, 2012 07:57 am
I have the same problem..about my body temp getting extremely high while i sleep..i dont get hot..but my husband says im like a furnace..surely someone out there knows what causes this...is there a doctor out there that reads some of these questions??..i keep getting answers like ..you have a fever...you have an infection...NOOOO..This is not the case!!! please some one has to know the answer...THANKS
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Tue 21 Feb, 2012 04:27 am
I have had the EXACT same experience, save I am a male.... Since childhood my body temp has risen SUBSTANTIALLY at night, often causing my wife to scoot close in the winter and away in summer. I have done extensive research on this without garnering any real help as most issues seem to be related to other problems.
I have noticed that my Father, Brother and Sons (no sister or Aunt to test) all have the same physiological response while sleeping - independent of their external environment, diet, mood or emotional situation, age, geographical location, body fat content and MOST IMPORTANT - Independent of any secondary health problems!
After years of investigation and medical discussions I have come to the educated conclusion that the trait of a raised temperature during a persons sleep can be attributed to a genetic difference. I have a substantial (50%) amount of Native American heritage in me - my father being 100% and my son's 25%. (alaskan native.)

I believe that this is nothing more than a regressive gene that has yet to be identified. However, I am speaking specifically about Britwhit and my own experiences - from childhood on - I would NOT think this about a case with a person that suddenly develops these symptoms...

I am actually quiet proud of the fact that I don't need a blanket in Alaska! That's saying something eh? Course....Global warming might make me quickly feel cursed in the years to come...

All my best!
Barry Littleton at yahoo electronic mail
Thu 19 Apr, 2012 01:33 am
The SCN works on the changes in light and darkness by affecting the the hormone produced in pineal gland in the brain called melatonin. When sunlight enters the eyes, melatonin concentrations decrease, which promotes wakefulness and increased alertness by signaling body temperature to rise.
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Sat 28 Apr, 2012 08:50 am
I am 38 years old and My Husband tells me I am like a furnace too, says my body puts off a lot of heat. This is something that has started a few months ago. I wake up sweating especially sweating from my back. I have melanoma (skin cancer ) we just found out and I have surgery on Monday to cut the cancer out of my back and hopefully get all the cancer cells out before it reaches deeper into my epidermis. The 2 places of melanoma is in my back which the DR said is why my body temp increases more in my back. Its my body's way of telling me something is wrong and my body is trying to fight away the cancer. Everyone is different. All of you are correct with your conclusions of dehydration, thyroid, menopause, and cancer , or genetics. Those are all correct per my DR.Consult your DR for your situation though. Check back in later to see after my surgery does my night sweat, high body heat goes away. I hope it does. Thanks, Tonya
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Tue 14 May, 2013 05:16 am
Heat while sleeping can be caused by what you are sleeping on. I had a memory foam bed for a few months, and while I loved the soft cushy thing it would generate a lot of heat. I would wake up dehydrated from al the sweating. eventually it got to be too much and we had to get a whole new bed much to my husbands chagrin.
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