Hey can i just say, I've felt this way a few times with men. I truly think that whoever you're with is who you're supposed to be with..sometimes I think, myself included, women get into this mindset of "is he the ONE" be all end all and it's not about that, it's about the journey. We want the happily ever after whether we know it or not. Whether you believe this or not, in psychology they also say that certain thoughts, emotions, reactions and behaviors come from our ancestry and DNA. Ask yourself this - are these feelings coming from a place of fear or security? Love or something more negative? If it's something negative, full of fear, it's not your Self talking, it's your mind and that's comforting because a lot of the time our mind (ego) wants to control what's happening around us by controlling first how we perceive things, in order to preserve itself and to preserve YOU. It's a survival technique, so complex by this stage in our humanity that it's difficult to differentiate between what you really want, how you really feel, and what you really think. However, I think this can be attributed to the mind's anxiety (mind's, btw, try to stay away from bullshit meditations) and something that can be worked through but it may take years. For now, learn to listen to your intuition instead of your fears, and be aware of the source of these feelings. I'm going through the same thing by the way, and knowing that everything works out in our favor is beneficial. Trust in yourself and the universe! Maybe this could turn into a big lesson for you. Although it may easily be brushed off by some, it sounds like you're a sensitive person who knows when something is "wrong" or off. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's the situation or if it's you, but the situation seems to stem from you. No outside source, whether parents or boyfriend, can really dictate your reality..Just something to consider

best of luck to you, and much love.