Stop a second here. Long term observation of cats and dogs shows that they have some emotions...but don't equate them to human emotions. To equate their emotions to human ones is to anthropomorphise.
There is no basis for proof that their emotions compare to human emotions for depth and complexity. However, they have emotions for sure..and possess a rich emotional life. However, their brain is smaller (per body weight), simpler and their concentration span and memory are shorter. They will show what appears to be grief should their keeper/owner pass on..or one of their liter mates..or regular playmates pass on. They "love" but their abilityto show love is wrapped up in (simple) behaviors that are different than ours. They "speak" a different language that humans so to call this 'love' as we humans understand love obscures the point. Doggy or kitty love it is...but it is not human love. Call it what you want, it feels good to receive.