DrewDad, I will attempt to educate you. When I was a thin 36 year old athletic person, I tore the cartilage in my right knee so badly it required repair surgery. I could no longer do strenuous exercize. When I was fifty years old, my knee degenerated so badly that it failed and I had a total knee replacement that was botched by the surgeon. I could walk, but I had to be very careful. My physical activity was severely limited due to increased disability. I tried to control my weight but it rose to 260 pounds. I was so desperate, I enrolled in a liquid diet program and lost 100 pounds. Sadly, I couldn't maintain my weight loss because of my disabilities. I was desperate and had stomach surgery to help me lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. My weight has gone up and down but it is at 190 pounds right now. I watch my diet, but my severe disabilities restrict my physical activities. Without vigorous activity, dieting won't reduce my weight.
If you are thin, you have no idea what overweight people go through trying to maintain a healthy weight. I didn't do it to try to look good, I tried to do it to protect my health.
Another thing you should know about why poor people tend to be overweight. Healthy food costs a lot more than cheap fatty foods. The financially secure can afford healthy foods. The poor can only afford to feed their families with what fits within their low income.
No one enjoys being fat. They are already ashamed. Don't add to their low self-esteem by having fun at their expense.