I am not saying anything beyond this.
Im just not.

So read, and take it missy . hehe
You ever have a sister..or a best friend... or a co worker.. or even a neighbor, that you liked or loved tremendously. Someone you spent a lot of time with, enjoyed their company, were there with them when they cried.. etc.. etc.. and all that other good stuff that makes a friendship worth it.. well throw that in there too.
And then, this sister brings home this guy, who is VERY handsome. I mean, so handsome it makes you step back for a second. Not just your average handsome.. and she brings him over for you to meet.
With in a few minutes this really handsome man.. that even you cant stop looking at is setting off your alarm bells. He makes you uncomfortable and for some reason you cant quite pin point it.
Then lets say you , sister, and handsome get to meet some of your friends and your friends.. they have the -same- reaction. This mans looks are blinding though. You cant help but stare at him. Its his best feature. But, all of a sudden you start to see behaviors that are demeaning to your friend. He is manipulating, rude, insulting, or doing SOMETHING that smacks you right in the face because it is so obvious and NOW you know why he made you uncomfortable in the first place. Pack on the fact that you have the benefit of friends who have met this super handsome man.. and they ALL SAW the same behaviors..
But you dont want to say anything... I mean..Handsome people are nice. Or.. oh maybe he was just kidding around.. or Thats not possible. Sister would never put up with that... or sister knows hes doing that. she has to. But, you cant just stand there and let someone be little your sister like that. So what do you do..
Meeting them again.. he is doing it again.. only more blatent because NOW he knows sister isnt seeing it, or doesnt care because she loves how handsome he is and is looking to enjoy that aspect of him minus all the other stuff.
tell me you would not want to help you sister away from someone like that? That your friends wouldnt?
How is seeing that handsome man for being rude make your sister stupid?
It doesnt. She isnt stupid. But she deserves someone in her life who will love her and be with her the way her family does. And family want to see family taken care of, loved, respected and happy .
Enough people have been on this website with you long enough to know you very well. You are the sister in a lot of cases. And sometimes, as 'sisters' people are ready to give you the hot poker because what is obvious to the group may not be to you. Because thats what friends do.
You , actually.. all of us.. have the added benefit of several hundred other people here seeing new people, reading posts, and knowing what we go through in our daily lives. It is undeniable that the majority of the regular posting people here FEEL love, comfort, concern, caring, happy and many other personal emotions when communicating with others here. And many have never met each other.
Sometime people take this for granted and forget what a community we have here. Others exploit that and live in it for their own benefit.
I will say, with confidence that I know you rather well Montana. Just because I dont post to you 100% of the time, does not mean I dont read what you write....does not mean I am not aware of how you are and what is going on with you. No. Im no 'Montana expert'

but your personality always comes right through your posts. A blind person could not miss it.
And just like I would tell my sister if she were dating someone that was abit 'off' i will tell you... that guy/gal was off. I will tell you loudly. Just like others would/did/do.
You have posted many times to many new people and this has never happened before. With so many possible outcomes and so many people, how could it not make some sense if the vast majority of people who read what that person wrote, had the same response? No other new person has ever caused people to react to you like that. That many gut reactions to one person have to be right. Because it wasnt done to be malicious.
i said before that no one had called you stupid.
Well, when i MADE that post.. at that time.. no one had used those words.
Sorry.. I was wrong about that.
I wanted to point out though...... in one big swoop.... calling all of us stupid too. that we dont know what we are talking about. That we are being judgmental, rude, and mistrusting. That we are not trusting you.
yet.. all who have voiced concern , and even gone over the top to get that drama queen off of you, were only doing it to defend the sister, not with the intent to insult.
We are not stupid.
We also do not 'make decisions for you'. We cant turn off your computer.
We are not turning our backs on talking to you.
We are not DOING anything to stop you... nor can we.
But just like the sister, we are going to speak up. Again and again. Because thats what you do. Its not condescending. its not insulting.
Its very simply " hey sister. he has done a, b, and c. That makes him a D. "
And since we see that he can and would keep going at you and keep causing you stress, we are going to peck his eyes out the best way we can.
Hold that against everyone if you will .