Gun sales are up something like 50% vs this time last year. How much of that is due to racists who are buying because a black man will take whitey's guns....and how many are buying now because they fear that a COMPLETE DEMOCRATIC CONTROL of THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT will push through various gun control measures.
And what would the point be for a racist to buy a gun because Obama was elected president. Do you think that all of these people are planning to assisinate the guy? How is that thinking even rational?
You talk about being rational, but really in this economic crisis is anyone really going to notice if congress passes a few more gun control laws. I mean if Bob the NRA member just lost his job or was foreclosed upon, is he really going to be sending $100 to the NRA to fight whatever proposed legislation might be coming down the pike.
I mean, if I were a cynical man (...and I am) I would think that right now would be the perfect time to slip some of these laws past the general populace..you know while they are focused on feeding the family and hopefully being able to retire.
All you have to do is visit some gun forums (www.glocktalk.com is a good one) and read that people are saying that they are worried about LEGISLATION not Obama's race.
There are also a few hundred press pieces that are reporting on these sales and I haven't seen a single one that even hints that any of these people are racist.
I think you're completly off your rocker here BillRM.