Obama named gun salesman of the year

Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 08:40 am


BIRMINGHAM, Ala. " In recognition of the unprece­dented demand for firearms by nervous consumers, The Outdoor Wire, the nation’s largest daily electronic news service for the outdoor industry, has named President-elect Barack Obama its “Gun Salesman of the Year”. With the selection, Outdoor Wire publisher Jim Shepherd says it is time the firearms industry recognizes the fact that without President-elect Obama’s frightening consumers into action, the firearms industry might be suffering the same sort of business slumps that have befallen the automotive and housing industries.

“It’s credit where credit is due,” says Shepherd, “Mr. Obama has consistently voted against individual rights to firearms, appointed a re-tread Clinton administration full of gun banners, and made it plain to anti-gun groups that despite what he might say to the contrary, he’s on their side.” That history, along with the unquestioned support of anti-gun organizations, Shepherd says, has spooked consumers into a buying frenzy for firearms that could be outlawed in another Assault Weapons Ban.

“Manufacturers are months behind on orders for semi-automatic pistols, AR-style rifles, and anything with so-called ‘high-capacity magazines’,” Shepherd says, “buyers we’ve surveyed across the country seem to have a single explanation for their rush to purchase firearms " Obama.”

“The buying panic is not limited to people you might be described as aficionados or even ‘gun nuts’. Recently, I was in a gun store when a gentleman came and said he’d never wanted to own a gun before, but wanted to get one while he still could.”

Since the November Presidential election, firearms sales have been at unprecedented levels. For December 2008 the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) recorded a twenty-four percent increase in background checks for 2008 (1,523,426) over December 2007 (1,230,525).

This follows a forty-two percent (42%) increase in November 2008, the highest number of NICS checks in the system’s history. Those FBI background checks are required under federal law for all individuals purchasing firearms from federally licensed firearms retailers. In other words, gun sales have never been better.

Sales are so good that on Tuesday, January 6, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) issued a notice to all federal firearms licensees that “an unprecedented increase in demand for ATF Form 4473” had run supplies low enough that dealers were temporarily given permission to photocopy the form until supplies caught up with demand. Completion of a form 4473 is required whenever a federal firearms licensee sells a fire­arm.­
Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2009 03:22 am
Amazing how many fools there are in this country including arms fools.

Yes that black guy is going to unarm the whites.
Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2009 06:48 pm
You'd have enjoyed the big gun show in Richmond Va. last Saturday, and almost certainly similar shows over the land generally in the last month and a half or so. Crowd something like four times the max you'd ever see at the place i.e. last major gun show before Obama. I was looking for an inexpensive women/kids sized 20ga gun with a skeet choke; I had the impression most people were stocking up on ammunition which they feared was about to become expensive or rare.

Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 06:25 am
How many copies of the Turner Diary was also being sold?
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 08:16 am
To be honest with you, I didn't notice anybody selling books at this one and I'd never heard of 'turner diaries' until just now and had to look it up. You do find the occasional copy of 'Unintended Consequences' when there are books being sold.

The key to attending gunshows is knowing what KINDS of things make any sense to try to buy at them, something like 60% of what you'd see at them is overpriced junk.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 09:18 am
Why do you have to make this racist BillRM?

You would see gun sales rise any time someone with Obama's voting record on gun rights were to be come President. Especially with democratic majorities in the House and Congress.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 09:40 am
Come on there had been a strong undertone of fear about having the guns taken away that in my opinion would had been a great deal less if say Clinton had won instead of Obama.

A large number of fringe elements are racists and also gun nuts and such books as the Turner Diary are sold at a great many gun shows and I had seen that myself with my own eyes.

Hell the “AMERICAN HERO” Timothy McVeigh used to earn extra funds at gun shows selling copies of the Turner Diary.

Obama in any case is not going to expend political capital fighting the NRA over guns, it just not going to happen.

Side note I love gun shows myself and try hard never to miss one that occur in my local area and it used to amuse me how many of my co-workers I used to run into at such shows.

I also had taken note over the years that gun shows seem almost hundred percent white for some reason.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 09:53 am
Clinton doesn't have the same record on guns as Obama does (his is much harsher) so yeah, the response probably would have been different. I mean check on http://www.ontheissues.org/Gun_Control.htm and compare Clinton/Obama. Obama is on the record supporting gun bans that most of the country doesn't support. Clinton's policies are not favorable either on this issue, but she's not supporting semi-automatic bans or city wide handgun bans.

I've been to a bunch gun shows in the last 5 years and I've never even heard of the Turner Diary, much less seen it sold. Not to say it doesn't happen, but I don't think it's as common as you're suggesting.

I don't see Obama publicly pushing for gun bans, but I know he wouldn't hesitate to sign something Congress passed. And he could push very hard for such a ban behind closed doors.

And when I used to go to gun shows down in Phoenix at the fair grounds; it was anything but a white's only event. I'd say more like 50-60% white. But here you go again, trying to make this race related.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 10:56 am
The Phoenix area black population according to the US census is six percents so a 40/60 ratio of of blacks citizens to whites in that area at any event not directed/aimed at blacks would be amazing to say the least.

And the nuts had turn out big times when it had come to Obama and it is a racist issue to a large degree.

See the threads in this groups for many examples of this. My favor is the thread that Obama is not a citizen and for some reason this family had been lying about his birth place for most of his life.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 12:50 pm
Oh, so there's only 2 races in all of Phoenix, AZ?

I don't think you're all that qualified to talk about racist issues BillRM.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 02:00 pm
We was talking about whites/blacks and guns shows not any other grouping and if you happen to mean Latinas I hate to tell you this but that is a culture/language group not a race.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 02:30 pm
Fine Bill, technically true, but if I told you that I hated all Mexicans, you'd likely call me a racist (and in the general lay-person view you'd be right).

This was a minor point in my post though.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 02:39 pm
Race as in black and white was not however a minor point in this thread as in why a fringe group of whites are greatly increasing their firearm puchases as Obama a black man is about to assume the office of president.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 03:33 pm
Ok, I'm sure that a very very very very small fringe group is doing just that.

You have ZERO evidence that a significant portion of gun sale increases is because Obama is black.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 03:54 pm
No and by the same token you have zero evidence that is not the driving force behind this nonsense either.

From a rational vewipoint congress and the new president is going to have a great deal on their plate beside gun control and a large percent of what they wish to acheive is going to depend on getting at least some republicans onboard so it would make zero sense to go into a gun control fight at the very start.

As there seem zero rational reasons for this current behavior you do tend to look at the irrational for the driving force behind this buying spree.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 05:41 pm
Gun sales are up something like 50% vs this time last year. How much of that is due to racists who are buying because a black man will take whitey's guns....and how many are buying now because they fear that a COMPLETE DEMOCRATIC CONTROL of THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT will push through various gun control measures.

And what would the point be for a racist to buy a gun because Obama was elected president. Do you think that all of these people are planning to assisinate the guy? How is that thinking even rational?

You talk about being rational, but really in this economic crisis is anyone really going to notice if congress passes a few more gun control laws. I mean if Bob the NRA member just lost his job or was foreclosed upon, is he really going to be sending $100 to the NRA to fight whatever proposed legislation might be coming down the pike.

I mean, if I were a cynical man (...and I am) I would think that right now would be the perfect time to slip some of these laws past the general populace..you know while they are focused on feeding the family and hopefully being able to retire.

All you have to do is visit some gun forums (www.glocktalk.com is a good one) and read that people are saying that they are worried about LEGISLATION not Obama's race.

There are also a few hundred press pieces that are reporting on these sales and I haven't seen a single one that even hints that any of these people are racist.

I think you're completly off your rocker here BillRM.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 05:45 pm
Two questions:
1. What was the last gun you bought?
2. Do you believe it will be illegal for you to buy it two years from now?
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 05:49 pm
1. Bushmaster AR-15, bought a little over a year ago.
2. Yes.
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 05:57 pm
I'm willing to bet that on Jan. 18, 2011 there will be no federal legislation
preventing you from buying another such firearm. I'm not talking state
legislation, but federal.

Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 06:04 pm
Assuming you mean buying one brand new from a dealer (not pre-ban guns or buying from a private party). Then, yeah, I'd throw a friendly $20 bet at ya.

I'm not saying that odds are great, but they'd have to be close to 50/50.

Keep in mind though that people who are buying guns aren't just worried about the weapons being banned. They're also worried about possible taxes that might be imposed on the gun themselves or on the ammunition. A $0.05 cent tax on each bullet would do make this hobby a lot more expensive, and would probably be very easy to pass through congress and unlikely to cause a mass outrage.

I've stocked up on ammo for this very reason, and I'm pretty close to buying another gun before the month is over.

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