This gives me the impression that the dog is the authority, and that the training is for the purpose of defending/attacking. I opened such a training school for dogs in the past. It was called the Crouching Beagle, Hidden Wolf academy.
I used a novel approach. Instead of Dobermans or Rottweilers, I trained beagles. I offered my Special-Forces-Beagles (SFBs) to law enforcement agencies. These beagles were trained to go into the room or area where the perpetrator is located, and once inside, approach the target with its head lowered, tongue hanging out, and tail wagging in an overly friendly manner. If that didn't put the perpetrator's mind at ease, then the multiple hunting licenses hanging from his roughed-up and well-worn collar--plus the burrs stuck in his coat--most certainly would. When the SFB reached the target's feet, it would stop and wag its tail while looking up at the target with those big brown eyes. If, or when, the perpetrator squatted down to pet the dog, the dog would go for a main artery in the thigh or the jugular, whichever was most exposed. These beagles had been conditioned to associate the act of tearing into a perpetrator's thigh or throat with receiving a treat. They didn't know they were doing wrong. They were just asking for a treat.
The physical pain, the shock, and the loss of blood experienced by the perpetrator is bad enough. But the psychological impact takes its toll as well, as the only thing worse than being attacked by a dog you know you
can't trust is being attacked by a dog you know you
can trust. It's like a horror show in which one of the most benign creatures morphs into an evil clown, forever shattering your trust in reality, and beagles in particular.
Everything was going well until I heard about some future legislation coming down the pipe which would make this brand of beagle illegal--an illegal beagle

. Some animal rights groups were making a big stink about using beagles as attack dogs. Their contention was that, once the dog had done its damage, most perpetrators will kick the **** out of them, shoot them, or otherwise prove the point that beagles are supposed to fight rabbit and fox--and even then, only in gangs. They certainly weren't meant to fight humans. Plus, at my academy, the beagles' teeth were cosmetically altered to make them sharp as razors. As a result, their tongues and lips are just a mess. In a campaign to stamp out such abuse, a photo of a beagle whose tongue and lips had been shredded and bloodied because of this kind of dental alteration was used as the poster-pup for a campaign sponsored by the Humane Society.
I argued that it’s not my fault if the customer fails to apply vegetable oil twice a day to the altered teeth of their Special Forces Beagle, as per the instructions--albeit in the extremely small print of the sales warranty. But the courts didn't see it my way, and they shut me down. I hope you have better luck in your business venture than me. Just don't use beagles and you should be fine.