eoe might be thinking of the TV western "Sugarfoot". I remember the song to it.
Sugarfoot, sugarfoot.
Easy lopin cattle ropin sugarfoot
can't remember the rest of it. I'll check it out.
Here's the link to Sugarfoot. My kids loved it. This what you're thinking of, eoe?
Lightwizard, I'm adding The Searchers to my list. I have a very poor vhs of it and even like that I'm blown away by the scenery.
I believe the latest DVD is a restored wide screen version and there is some spectacular scenery and Winton Hoch cinematography (he also photographed "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon.")
It shows Dolby sound on Amazon but doesn't specify if they were able to restore the Max Steiner stereo soundtrack. Some of the optical soundtracks on these early CinemaScope films have deteriorated to where they cannot restore them. I have a double CD of original soundtracks of Max Steiner where they pulled the audio of of tracks that were still intact and they could only run the film once and then it was no longer playable! Many of these films were transferred to videotape in time to save the original soundtrack. IMDB shows it as RCA MONO sound.
Letty, I realized a while back why Sugarfoot rang such a bell but was too embarrassed to fess up. Sugarfoot was the lead singer of The Ohio Players, an r&b band from the 60's/70's.
Well then, Sugarfoot it is :-D
Mine are:
Rio Bravo
El Dorado
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Once Upon a Time in the West
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Little Big Man
Jeremiah Johnson
How the West Was Won
edgarblythe wrote:All good ones Brandon.
Thanks. Maybe we have similar taste.
Saw the original "How the West Was Won" at the Cinerama theater in Hollywood. The buffalo stampede (paid homage to or copied -- I can never tell which -- by Kevin Costner in "Dancing with Wolves") was viscerally overpowering. Haven't felt that amazement at the feats of animals until the racing scenes in "Seabiscuit." Also love the musical score.
Mr. Wizard, Can you explain this to me? Are there two different versions of How the West Was Won?
Christopher Lee?
Silverado; Dances With Wolves; Tombstone; The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; The Jack Bull . . . Don't really classify DWW as a western, but I guess it does fit. . .
What? No
Shanghai Noon??
Turner_727 wrote:Silverado; Dances With Wolves; Tombstone; The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; The Jack Bull . . . Don't really classify DWW as a western, but I guess it does fit. . .
What? No
Shanghai Noon??

Oh, I would have included "Silverado" if I'd thought of it. "Dances With Wolves" was certainly noteworthy. "The Jack Bull" was interesting.
Letty, the "remake" was in the late 70's as a TV mini-series with James Arness:
I would say DWW is a Western -- how else would one classify it?