I agree that it's too bad that the youth of the world seem to be picking up on the worst aspects of American Culture, instead of some of those that are more interesting and edifying. Of course America has a culture - every place has a discernable culture - so to say 'American culture' is oxymoronic -is false (whether or not you agree it is positive in any way).
Although, I agree, Friends is nothing less than annoying. But I have an Oxford-educated British friend who I would agree is much more formally cultured than I am and if Friends or Everyone Loves Raymond comes on - everything has to stop. He thinks the humor is extremely sophisticated. I understand what they're trying to do - but I don't think they succeed, whereas he finds them wildly successful - strange.
In terms of musical groups, I have to agree - the iconic rock groups-those that appeal to the masses, in the main have been British. At the same time, the majority of the iconic singer/songwriters who have appealed to the masses have been American. Very interesting - I wonder why that is.
Maybe because of the importance that America historically has put on individualism. Maybe also due to the fact that British society has historically stressed more of a socialistic bent and there's more of an innate tendency to work together in a community. Very interesting.
But I also think you have to recognize that the bands you mention as iconic in your life, may be simply because you're British. I can't abide Oasis- too derivitive of the Beatles, but nowhere near as talented.
The bands that have been iconic in my life are more American sounding - I love The Band- simply because they play Americana better than anyone else. And I love that sound.-probably because I'm American, but I won't concede that they're any less talented as musicians and writers than the Stones - or moreso - they're just totally different.
I think that's the key to enjoying each culture - not to compare - just to enjoy its own special flavor.
Of course America has a great novel: there has to be one that's better than all the others- that's just logic. I don't know which I'd pick though- there are so many wonderful ones.
I'd be interested to know what the common consensus is in terms of the great British novel.