Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Sun 6 Oct, 2013 06:05 pm
Closer to an outright attack on the U S of A denied by our own military was the USS Constitution which our politicians covered up for Israel. We dont want to cut off the cash payments to our military and our politicians by telling the people the truth about Israel. Google the USS Constitution if someone here is so uninformed as not to know what I am talking about.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 06:11 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
This dosent bother me. The hit list were on is produced by people who are themselves criminals who glory in shooting 11 year girls in the head than bragging about it as if they are heroes rather than blood covered animals. If you are protecting their reputations than I think that says more about you than I really want to know.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 06:22 pm
The muslim world ALREADY has nukes (Pakistan), but the West is bribing the Pakistani regime with truckloads of cash ("foreign aid") to keep them sweet and stop them handing out freebies nukes around the muslim world.
But friendly regimes have a habit of changing for unfriendly ones further down the line, so it's just a matter of time before Israel is turned into a smouldering radioactive wasteland, and maybe American cities too.
The only way to possibly avert it is for Israel to hand Palestine back to the Palestinians, and for America to stop supporting Israel, it's not rocket science..Wink
"Acquiring weapons for the defense of Muslims is a religious duty. If I have indeed acquired these weapons, then I thank God for enabling me to do so. And if I seek to acquire these weapons, I am carrying out a duty. It would be a sin for Muslims not to try to possess the weapons that would prevent the infidels from inflicting harm on Muslims"- Osama Bin Laden in Time Magazine Dec 1998, responding to the question "are you trying to acquire chemical and nuclear weapons?"
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 06:31 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
it's just a matter of time before Israel is turned into a smouldering radioactive wasteland, and maybe American cities too.

The first nuclear attack against an American or Israeli target will result in the rapid death of a billion Muslims.

Romeo Fabulini wrote:
The only way to possibly avert it is for Israel to hand Palestine back to the Palestinians, and for America to stop supporting Israel, it's not rocket science..Wink

The Palestinians could get the West Bank, but only in return for making peace with Israel.

If they refuse to make peace, they can look forward to being deported out of the West Bank.

The US is not going to stop supporting Israel.
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 06:31 pm
Rabel wrote:
The hit list were on is produced by people who are themselves criminals who glory in shooting 11 year girls in the head than bragging about it as if they are heroes rather than blood covered animals. If you are protecting their reputations than I think that says more about you than I really want to know

I'm strictly neutral and don't give a rat's ass if Israel and the Arabs nuke each other off the earth..Smile
I'm just saying it how i see it, namely that as long as America remains Israel's friend, America runs the risk of getting nuked too by suicide bombers coming ashore with suitcase nukes on the US coast in rubber boats from subs or merchant ships.

PS- the Israelis are not all sweetness and light either, for example they cold-bloodedly hung two British soldiers in 1947
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 06:38 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
as long as America remains Israel's friend, America runs the risk of getting nuked too by suicide bombers coming ashore with suitcase nukes on the US coast in rubber boats from subs or merchant ships.

Setting aside the fact that that would be Islam's last day on earth, who exactly would be manufacturing these suitcase nukes?
cicerone imposter
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 06:45 pm
Pretty difficult, if not impossible, to create a suitcase nuke. The components require some space to create an implosion, and the uranium capsule would have to be very small.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 09:06 pm
Oralloy wrote:
The first nuclear attack against an American or Israeli target will result in the rapid death of a billion Muslims

Yes the Israelis have got the guts to do it but I doubt if any American politician has got the balls to follow suit.

PS- as regards suitcase nukes this is an interesting WIKI article,there are even "backpack-nukes"!
One Russian guy said he looked for places to cache them in the Shenandoah Valley during the Cold War-

Sun 6 Oct, 2013 09:13 pm
The first nuclear attack against an American or Israeli target will result in the rapid death of a billion Muslims.

Typical US overreaction. Indicative of just how sick many of their "minds" are.
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 03:35 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
oralloy wrote:
The first nuclear attack against an American or Israeli target will result in the rapid death of a billion Muslims.

Yes the Israelis have got the guts to do it but I doubt if any American politician has got the balls to follow suit.

If someone uses nuclear weapons against the US or our allies, we will not even hesitate to use our nuclear weapons in retaliation.

Romeo Fabulini wrote:
PS- as regards suitcase nukes this is an interesting WIKI article,there are even "backpack-nukes"!

And again, who exactly would be manufacturing these suitcase nukes?

Romeo Fabulini wrote:
One Russian guy said he looked for places to cache them in the Shenandoah Valley during the Cold War-

While I'm sure the Soviets scouted out potential cache locations, they never actually deployed such hidden caches onto unfriendly soil.
0 Replies
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 03:35 am
JTT wrote:
oralloy wrote:
The first nuclear attack against an American or Israeli target will result in the rapid death of a billion Muslims.

Typical US overreaction. Indicative of just how sick many of their "minds" are.

If someone starts a nuclear war with the United States, they will get a nuclear war with the United States.

If anyone does not like the results of that war, that's just too bad.
0 Replies
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 09:48 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Cicerone wrote:
..the Jews in America give money to politicians who support Israel

Don't Americans mind their tax dollars being given to Israel?

Whether money is given to Israel or some other country, the money is usually used to buy whatever from the U.S., or its western allies; therefore, the "investment class" likes the arrangement, plus even the little guy with a 401-K retirement plan at work has investments in the companies benefitted from this usual merry-go-round of tax monies. The only ones left out are the have-nots that utilize social programs, and they might feel that less money going to Israel, for example, could be used for more freebies for them and their children. But, the have-nots really aren't participating in the capitalistic system, so one can argue why do they deserve more of anything? But, the liberal/progressives usually think this is a bad arrangement, since the have-nots could always use more of whatever.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 09:49 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Your Wiki link lead to a donation site.
0 Replies
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 09:57 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

One way would be to only vote for politicians who stand for what we believe in.

I have voted that way since I was old enough to vote, and I'm now 78 yo. I've written to my congress reps and the president too, but those actions have had zero effect on "what I would like to see." I use to vote as a republican and democrat, but now registered as an independent. It's hopeless, useless, and of no effect in either local or national elections. I've decide just recently that I will no longer vote. Look at Washington DC; it's broken so bad, there's no way to reverse this trend, and my votes will do nothing.

The good news is that you are likely to leave this Earth, having wasted your time/efforts, rather than having spent that time and effort playing with grandchildren, for example.

For every great social movement, many people have first wasted their lives in trying to move the movement along faster. When the movement succeeded, it succeeded because society changed incrementally on its own calculus. So, you and many others will have wasted their lives' efforts. Plus, you really did not even have a dog in the hunt, so one might wonder why the concern; especially with your early experiences, one might think that you'd have the good sense to make up for lost time by concentrating on very personal concerns, since your personal concerns are most doable, and will benefit those closest to you? But, you are you, and I can't do a wisdom transplant. Your brain might reject it? All in my opinion, of course.

In my opinion, you should look up Eric Hoffer, who wrote the True Believer, in Wikipedia. You might see that the zealot is just an archetype of all movements. I hope you at least had fun in your efforts, but I am so glad you did waste your time, you being 78 and all.
0 Replies
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 10:05 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

PS- the Israelis are not all sweetness and light either, for example they cold-bloodedly hung two British soldiers in 1947

One might think you have real issues with Jews, since Germans became "good Germans" a few years after WWII, yet you still vividly remember what happened to two British soldiers in 1947. This is the thinking that makes Zionists even more intractable Zionists. Keep talking. You are helping Zionists explain their position.
cicerone imposter
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 10:30 am
Zionists are not Zionists because of the execution of two British soldiers.
You don't even know or understand Zionism history.

You're pretty ignorant for a Jew.
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 10:33 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Zionists are not Zionists because of the execution of two British soldiers.
You don't even know or understand Zionism history.

You're pretty ignorant for a Jew.

You think all Jews are as intelligent as Asian-Americans?
cicerone imposter
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 10:35 am
It has nothing to do about Asian-Americans. We're discussion this issue with 'you' and about 'you' about Israel and all that it implies.
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 10:56 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

It has nothing to do about Asian-Americans. We're discussion this issue with 'you' and about 'you' about Israel and all that it implies.

I'm discussing how at the age of 78 you have little chance to see your position, relative to Israel, come to fruition, in my opinion. You should have spent your time in a more productive activity, like playing with grandchildren, in my opinion. I still recommend looking up Eric Hoffer in Wikipedia.

And, I do not have to discuss Israel, since it is a Zionist State that exists. Some people accept its existence. Some people don't. However, whatever evolves out of that dichotomy is going to be based on events that started way before our births, and might end way after our deaths. I think that as an American there are bigger fish to fry than Israel's situation. They can take care of themselves. Sayonara big guy.
cicerone imposter
Mon 7 Oct, 2013 11:31 am
We don't have grandchildren. My pursuit of knowledge is based on readings and also by visits to the destinations to which I have some first-hand knowledge.

If you disagree, all you need to do is provide any credible source that refutes what I say. It's a very simple concept.

I have visited Israel twice, and have seen "most" of that country, and even stayed at two different kibbutz. One overlooking the Sea of Galilee and the other not far from the Dead Sea. What first hand information do you have about Israel?
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