Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Romeo Fabulini
Sat 5 Oct, 2013 05:30 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I've never voted for any of our 3 main British parties (Tory/Labour/Libdem) in my life and never will, because I only support the minority far-right parties.
People tell me "But you MUST vote for one of the big 3, otherwise your vote will be wasted on a minority party!"
But my stance is unshakeable and I reply "The day I vote for one of the big 3 proven failure parties will be the day you can measure me up for a straitjacket!"
And yes, I know the minority parties won't get into office at this point in time, but it makes me feel bloody GOOD by voting for them because it sets me apart from the unthinking halfwitted voting masses..Smile
For example the big 3 all support the Afghan war, whereas my minority parties don't. So whenever I see on TV a soldier coming home in a coffin, i think "That's nothing to do with me, my conscience is clear".
Sat 5 Oct, 2013 08:53 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
For example the big 3 all support the Afghan war, whereas my minority parties don't. So whenever I see on TV a soldier coming home in a coffin, i think "That's nothing to do with me, my conscience is clear".

The soldiers should have refused to take part in that war crime and they would still be alive.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Oct, 2013 11:29 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Don't Americans mind their tax dollars being given to Israel?

Why would we mind?

Send more!
0 Replies
Sat 5 Oct, 2013 11:30 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
PS- My view is that the United Nations should stop pussy-footing around and ORDER Israel to hand Palestine back to the Palestinians before the muslim world gets its hands on suitcase nukes and uses them.

The UN has no authority to give such an order, and it would be rightfully ignored.

The Palestinians will not get any more land until they agree to make peace with Israel. And if they refuse to make peace, the Palestinians can in the future look forward to being deported out of the West Bank en masse.

Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Also America should stop sending truckloads of cash to prop up Israel.

Our cash does not prop them up. It makes things easier, but they could survive without it.

And on the contrary, we should send even more.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 08:47 am
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Don't Americans mind their tax dollars being given to Israel?

Oralloy replied:
Why would we mind? Send more! Our cash does not prop them up. It makes things easier, but they could survive without it.

But if Israel could survive without American cash, why do they apparently keep begging for more? Same with weaponry like the super-duper new American SAM missile systems which Israel are keen to accept.
Anyway by accepting US cash and military hardware, Israel is making herself "America's puppy dog" and has to do what America tells them.
For example Saddam blitzed Israeli cities with Scud missiles in the Gulf War, Israel wanted to send in assassin squads to kill him but America said "No", resulting in him being left unpunished and sitting pretty in Baghdad for another 10 years.
Also, Iran is building nuclear plants capable of producing nuke weapons, Israel wants to airstrike them into oblivion but America says "No".
See my point? By taking American cash and military hardware, Israel loses her independence and freedom of action and is under the control of her American paymasters.
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 09:00 am
JTT wrote re the Afghan War:
The soldiers should have refused to take part in that war crime and they would still be alive.

Generally speaking soldiers are happy to go wherever they're sent so they can have fun shooting people..Wink
And don't forget GOVERNMENTS are to blame by sending troops to invade foreign countries, and it's also the VOTERS who are to blame for voting the Governments into office.
Incidentally the small Brit right-wing parties that I support say our politicians should be tried for war crimes for invading Iraq and Afgh..Smile
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 09:23 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Generally speaking soldiers are happy to go wherever they're sent so they can have fun shooting people.

That's certainly the case for US soldiers, possibly less so for UK ones. But they still have to know that they took part in war crimes. They shouldn't be lauded by all the "they served/died so we could have our freedoms" bullshit.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 12:27 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Don't Americans mind their tax dollars being given to Israel?

Oralloy replied:
Why would we mind? Send more! Our cash does not prop them up. It makes things easier, but they could survive without it.

But if Israel could survive without American cash, why do they apparently keep begging for more? Same with weaponry like the super-duper new American SAM missile systems which Israel are keen to accept.
Anyway by accepting US cash and military hardware, Israel is making herself "America's puppy dog" and has to do what America tells them.
For example Saddam blitzed Israeli cities with Scud missiles in the Gulf War, Israel wanted to send in assassin squads to kill him but America said "No", resulting in him being left unpunished and sitting pretty in Baghdad for another 10 years.

Also, Iran is building nuclear plants capable of producing nuke weapons, Israel wants to airstrike them into oblivion but America says "No".
See my point? By taking American cash and military hardware, Israel loses her independence and freedom of action and is under the control of her American paymasters.

The payback by Israel for the very small amount of aid given by the USA is enormous. The latter gets an enormous amount of intell and technology. Also, Israel stands as a potential ME base should we need it. It is the only democracy in the ME, and our only real ally there. Israel is an excellent friend and trading partner for the USA. Further, most of the aid is spent in the USA, helping our economy.
Walter Hinteler
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 01:15 pm
Advocate wrote:
The payback by Israel for the very small amount of aid given by the USA is enormous.

NB:I'm not responding to the poster, Advocate quoted.

I suppose that it really is okay for USA and that every US-government thinks it to be the best to support Israel.

However, to call that a "very small amount" is a larger belittlement.

From the Congressional Research Service, published April 11, 2013

Walter Hinteler
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 01:15 pm
@Walter Hinteler,


Walter Hinteler
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 01:16 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

0 Replies
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 01:34 pm

The payback by Israel for the very small amount of aid given by the USA is enormous. The latter gets an enormous amount of intell and technology. Also, Israel stands as a potential ME base should we need it. It is the only democracy in the ME, and our only real ally there. Israel is an excellent friend and trading partner for the USA. Further, most of the aid is spent in the USA, helping our economy.

So, my fellow poster, you think the US should be grateful to Israel and the amount of aid the US taxpayer gives the tiny nation is really not that much. OK. Read below the kind of friend Israel really is to the US!!

Beyond the Jonathan Pollard spy incident, which was exposed in 1985, there are a number of less publicized cases in which Israelis and their supporters have engaged in illegal acts against U.S. interests.

Cases involving Israel include arrests of suspects with ties to the Jewish state for trying to sell to Iran $2.5 billion worth of military equipment; illegally shipping to Israel devices to trigger nuclear bombs; attempting to acquire technology for these manufacture of tank cannon barrels and cluster bombs; and a massive fraud involving General Electric and an Israeli air force general in misappropriating more than $40 million in military aid to Israel.

In the GE scheme, Israeli Brigadier General Rami Dotan was sentenced to thirteen years in prison, and on July 22, 1992, GE Pleaded guilty in Cincinnati Federal District Court to charges of fraud, money laundering, and corrupt business practices. It agreed to pay fines and penalties of $69 million. The case of massive fraud involves a number of other companies and includes continuing probes of Pratt & Whitney, Textron Lycoming, General Motors, and Allison as well as a mysterious Swiss trading company, Ellis A.G. Also under investigation was Harold Katz, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen with close ties to Ellis A.G. and the man whose Washington apartment was used by the Jonathan Pollard spies in the mid-1980s to copy secret U.S. documents. The case even involves allegations of Dotan paying $50,000 in the United States to a hit man to intimidate or murder one of the witnesses against him.

The Israeli government has refused to cooperate with the House oversight committee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce chaired by Democratic Representative John D. Dingell of Michigan, including refusing to allow the United States to question Katz. Dingell complained publicly that Israel "has been markedly uncooperative." Dingell added: "Here we give them engines, we give them technical assistance, we have a very extensive program to give them substantial funds, and they are alleging that their national security precludes us from looking into something that they admit is a crime.

The corruption has even penetrated the higher levels of the Pentagon. In 1991 former Assistant Secretary of the Navy Melvyn R. Paislely pleaded guilty in Alexandria (Virginia) Federal District Court to massive fraud involving the awarding of defense contracts to the Israeli company Israeli Mazlat Ltd. and the U.S. firms Sperry Corporation and Martin Marietta Corporation. Paisley admitted he joined a conspiracy to help Mazlat win several defense contracts for making pilotless drones for battlefield reconnaissance in exchange for promises of $2 million in bribes. According to former Israeli Mossad spy victor Ostrovsky, Mazlat was a subsidiary of the state-run Israeli Aeronautical Industries and research for Mazlat's drone had been stolen by Mossad from U.S. firms. On October 18 Paisley was sentenced to four years in prison and two years probation and fined $50,000.

In addition, there is the Iran-Contran scandal in which Israel encouraged the Reagon administration to sell weapons to Iran in hopes of freeing American hostages in Lebanon and as a way to earn profits to help fund the Contras in Nicaragua in defiance of Congress. Senator David F. Durenberger, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, later concluded that the administrastion had been exploited by "someone else's foreign policy and the avarice of arms dealers." While that judgement fails to apportion the high level of guilt the administration bore, it does indicate how important Israel's role in the scheme was.
The above article is from my personal archives during the time I did my research on the Zionist nation.
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 01:48 pm
It is telling that you cherry-pick alleged incidents of misconduct by Israelis.

As you well know, there are such incidents in the USA and virtually every other country in the world. For instance, it has recently come out how the NSA was committing espionage in allied countries all over the world. Those countries have hit the roof over what we did.

Further, there are crooks, et al., all over the world who have damaged the USA and its people. Why focus on little Israel, a true friend of the USA?
cicerone imposter
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 01:58 pm
MiT, Good research, and thanks for sharing it with us. No matter how many facts are presented about Apartheid Israel, apologists will continue to criticize what is presented on this thread (and elsewhere).

They have a blind spot called "IGNORANCE & BIGOTRY."
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 02:48 pm

Further, there are crooks, et al., all over the world who have damaged the USA and its people. Why focus on little Israel, a true friend of the USA?

"Israel a true friend of the USA"? Well now, that, Advocate, is in the eye of the beholder.

I and many other Americans focus on Israel for this simple reason, the Zionist claims it's a democracy! What democratic country is occupying its neighbor? Restricting the emotional and mental growth of its neighbor's children?! You trivialize the amount of money the American tax payer contributes annually to Israel, when in reality, there is no comparison to what Israel does for the US and money received by Israel. The Arabs states would dearly love to be friends with Israel and do the same amount of spying Israel claims it does for the US but Israel prevents this with its 24/7 propaganda that the Arabs are trying to run it into the sea! The US gives Israel the latest in military technology, allows you the military edge over your opponents, and you appear unappreciative, claiming you spend a lot of money in the US! Hell, the US has top quality stuff, why not?

I saw that hypocrite of a PM Bibi Netanyahu on TV this morning, saying in effect, the US is better qualified to attack Iran; The Interviewer asked Bibi if Israel could not do the attacking, and he said yes, probably, but the US is better equipped to carry out this major task. The Zionist PM would like Americans to carry out his dirty work, a nation who refuses to relinquish STEALING Palestinian land!

Yes, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden smuggled out thousands of classified documents, just like Jonathan Pollard did. There are indeed crooks among us, and always be, but you seem to imply Israel is so perfect and undeserving of constant harsh criticism. If that country is so righteous how come she is still occupying Palestinian land? Still stealing Palestinian land? Why during the 2006 Lebanon war with Hezbollah the IDF used the incendiary White Phosphorus on some Lebanese citizens. White Phosphorus is a substance that burns its victims on contact and is almost as deadly as nerve gas which al-Assad used on the Syrian people. (When, btw, Hezbollah chased Israel out of Lebanon, my campus erupted in joy! The IDF left so quickly they left some of their equipment behind.)

Netanyahu is a pathological liar as has been most political Israeli figures with the exception of Yitzhak Rabin whose heart was in the right place. Guess what? One of the fanatical settlers assassinated that good man; the assassin had the damn gall to smile at his trial.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:27 pm
@cicerone imposter,

They have a blind spot called "IGNORANCE & BIGOTRY."

Ignorance I would not apply to Israel as it's sharply on its toes and aware at all times. The noun, Bigotry, is a perfect fit for Israel with its stubborn and complete intolerance for the Palestinian people and Arabs in particular. The Iranian people are not Arabs but Israel's bigotry extends to them as well.

Israel is the product of the Holocaust and this just might possibly influence/dominate the way these Zionists see the world.....a world that once unpon a time turned its back against the Jews; I'm inclined to believe humanity has come a long way from WW2 and this is one black chapter in humankind that will not repeat itself again.
cicerone imposter
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:36 pm
But their "aware at all times" has created for the Palestinians an apartheid state where they don't have equal rights. If they are so aware, why are they punishing 100% of the Palestinians in Israel? On top of all that, the genes of Jews and Palestinians are closely related. The only difference is in their religious' beliefs.

They have created a monster, and continues to expand their settlements. If that is "aware at all times," I disagree.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 04:30 pm
Seeing as some American posters say they don't mind America pouring tax dollars and weapons into Israel, let me ask a follow-up question-
Don't you mind being on the muslim world's hit list because America is Israel's friend?
They hit you with 9/11, but when they get suitcase nukes it'll REALLY hit the fan, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Don't take my word for it, check out some of Bin Ladens quotes which are still "holy writ" to extremist muslims-
"We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation" - Osama bin Laden to CNN in March 1997

"The Twin Towers were legitimate targets, they were supporting US economic power" -Osama Bin Laden Oct 2001
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 05:28 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
But if Israel could survive without American cash, why do they apparently keep begging for more?

They don't.

Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Anyway by accepting US cash and military hardware, Israel is making herself "America's puppy dog" and has to do what America tells them.


Romeo Fabulini wrote:
For example Saddam blitzed Israeli cities with Scud missiles in the Gulf War, Israel wanted to send in assassin squads to kill him but America said "No", resulting in him being left unpunished and sitting pretty in Baghdad for another 10 years.

Israel understood that Saddam was trying to goad them into attacking him and thereby shattering the alliance against him. Israel knew that if they did attack, not only would they be helping Saddam, they would be doing just what he was trying to manipulate them into doing.

Also, the US devoted considerable energy into halting the attacks on Israel.

Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Also, Iran is building nuclear plants capable of producing nuke weapons, Israel wants to airstrike them into oblivion but America says "No".

We "say" no such thing. We do ask them to wait though. And we present a compelling offer that makes it advantageous for them to wait.

If Israel finds that they need to strike Iran despite our offer, they are more than able to do so.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Oct, 2013 05:30 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Don't you mind being on the muslim world's hit list because America is Israel's friend?

I know that the reason they attack us has nothing to do with Israel, and I try not to let myself be influenced by fictitious notions.

However, if I did suffer from the delusion that Muslims were attacking us because of our support for Israel, the only way it would change my views would be to increase my support for military action against Islamic targets.
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