Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Thu 3 Oct, 2013 11:39 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

You wrote,
Many are stuck in a self-defeating culture, in my opinion, that forces them to be contemptible of the winners in mainstream society.

I'm only contemptible against ignorant people who assumes they understand "self-defeating culture."

Do you really believe that the hundreds of millions millions of people who are now living in poverty is caused by their "self-defeating culture?"

Well, those that "escaped" the poverty, they were born into, did it by accepting the culture of education and/or industriousness. By the way, why do you try to have a conversation with me? Make your point, and then wait for a reply. Your personalizing posts, based on my perceptions, is just so silly. You need to "convert" me?

0 Replies
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 11:45 am
izzythepush wrote:

Foofie wrote:
Shithead, my father would be over 100 if he was alive,

Is that a Russian name?

He was born in the U.S., as my mother was also. Jews were not considered Russians, under the Czar. They belonged to the Czar. Like Jews of Medieval Europe belonged to the King/Prince. That was their safety; they were the property of the King/Prince. Sort of like poaching the King's deer in his forest, if anyone bothered the King's property.

And, if you didn't know it, Jews under the Czar did not have last names until the middle of the 19th century. The Czar decided they should all have last names, and many took on German last names, since German Jews were fairly assimilated into mainstream German society. Also, there was humor in some names, for example, Shoenfeld (sunny field), since many Jews were living in filthy villages or ghettos.
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 11:46 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

"Private life?" What are you doing on an international social web site?
HINT: When you express opinions, it's coming from you! What's so private about that? The whole world knows. It's natural for others to express their opinions about you. If you don't like that, LEAVE.

Have you been waiting six decades to tell a Caucasian to "leave," as you were told, in your youth?
cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 12:09 pm
You are totally confused. You're talking about racial bigots vs participation on a social web site. Do you have any understanding of logic?
Walter Hinteler
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 12:46 pm
Foofie wrote:
Jews were not considered Russians, under the Czar. They belonged to the Czar. Like Jews of Medieval Europe belonged to the King/Prince. That was their safety; they were the property of the King/Prince.
In Russia under the Czars until today, only Russians are considered to be Russians.

In Medieval (... well,I can't say about all Europe, so ...) Germany (aka Roman Empire of German Nation), Jews has about the same rights as anyone else. Or the lack of those rights, from today's view.

You are referring to the Jews being servi camerae regis aka Kammerknechtschaft ("servants of the royal chamber").
Regarding the vast majority of the population, this was actually a betterment. But it was quite expensive (emperor Sigismund demanded 1/3 of each Jew's income for that in the 15th century) as well as it didn't solve the problems, Jews had regionally and locally. And beside that, their main disadvantages were that they couldn't join guilts, weren't allowed to carry weapons etc etc
0 Replies
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 01:15 pm
Foofie wrote:
But, you do seem. in my opinion, to like the personal ad-hominems directed at others, as though that bolsters your position.

Pointing out your profound ignorance is not an ad-hominem, especially as you try to make a virtue out of it. You're wilfully ignorant.
cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 01:18 pm
I support and agree with your observations. Mr. Green
0 Replies
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:06 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

You are totally confused. You're talking about racial bigots vs participation on a social web site. Do you have any understanding of logic?

Wrong; if one is educated, one can express concepts that is in the intellectual arena, whether or not one subscribes to it. For example, I am well aware of people's prejudices against one or another group. I can let someone know I am aware of it, but I don't necessarily subscribe to it.

But, this is not really a social web site for all threads. Some threads are just an arena for angry debate; nothing very social. If you've noticed the one-upsmanship or the use of derogatory insults; there is little socialness going on on some threads. But, some people perhaps might have something to prove, so they keep coming back. I just want to advise people that there is a social class system, whether or not they subscribe to it, and life is easier if one knows one's place. Like when you were in the Air Force, you had to salute officers, not enlisted men. You, in effect, were showing that you knew your place in the hierarchy in the military. And, in civilian life one should understand that all the unfortunates might not all deserve a helping hand, because they have already been corrupted with blind hate or jealousy. So, I would let many people just wallow in their own delusions of deserving of this or that. Sort of like my attitude to those Palestineans demanding a country. Perhaps, they need a few centuries in western Europe to understand what a better life is, and how to get it?
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:11 pm
Foofie wrote:
Wrong; if one is educated, one can express concepts that is in the intellectual arena, whether or not one subscribes to it.

If one is educated. So far you've not posted anything that suggests you are.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:14 pm
You are still ignorant, because you don't understand the apartheid of Israel. Knowing who can express their ideas in what you call an "intellectual arena" is just subterfuge for ignorance. Intelligence is not a necessary component of compassion for other humans. I know some mentally handicapped/challenged people who have more understanding of humanity than the lot of you!
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:19 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Foofie wrote:
But, you do seem. in my opinion, to like the personal ad-hominems directed at others, as though that bolsters your position.

Pointing out your profound ignorance is not an ad-hominem, especially as you try to make a virtue out of it. You're wilfully ignorant.

Your Izzyship, you are not in a position to point out my ignorance, since you do not know me, as another American knows me. You are just expressing the liberal/progressive views of one constituency; however, I just subscribe to the views that you rarely see on this forum, since most conservatives do not waste their time with your views.

The biggest problem with liberals/progressives is that they do not accept their place in society, in my opinion. Plus, as a non-American, we see the world very differently, even though we can communicate fairly well in English.

My supposed wilfull ignorance is just my not subscribing to your world view, for example, the belief that Palestineans deserve this or that. They deserve very little, since they've had over 60 years to better their lot, but just foment their vitriol towards Israel as the cause of all their problems. God, the Irish had the good sense to come to America during the famine; perhaps, the Palestineans should leave their future homeland for a future Palestinean population that knows how to work towards a common goal more effectively without all the vitriol?

Notice how you choose not to tell me the simple reply of what Doc Martin did, in his life taking a different turn. See why I cannot think kind thoughts about you. Just an annoying Brit., in my opinion.
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:19 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Foofie wrote:
But, you do seem. in my opinion, to like the personal ad-hominems directed at others, as though that bolsters your position.

Pointing out your profound ignorance is not an ad-hominem, especially as you try to make a virtue out of it. You're wilfully ignorant.

Your Izzyship, you are not in a position to point out my ignorance, since you do not know me, as another American knows me. You are just expressing the liberal/progressive views of one constituency; however, I just subscribe to the views that you rarely see on this forum, since most conservatives do not waste their time with your views.

The biggest problem with liberals/progressives is that they do not accept their place in society, in my opinion. Plus, as a non-American, we see the world very differently, even though we can communicate fairly well in English.

My supposed wilfull ignorance is just my not subscribing to your world view, for example, the belief that Palestineans deserve this or that. They deserve very little, since they've had over 60 years to better their lot, but just foment their vitriol towards Israel as the cause of all their problems. God, the Irish had the good sense to come to America during the famine; perhaps, the Palestineans should leave their future homeland for a future Palestinean population that knows how to work towards a common goal more effectively without all the vitriol?

Notice how you choose not to tell me the simple reply of what Doc Martin did, in his life taking a different turn. See why I cannot think friendly thoughts about you. Just an annoying Brit., in my opinion.
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:21 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I know some mentally handicapped/challenged people who have more understanding of humanity than the lot of you!

"The lot of you"? There you go again.
cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:22 pm
Yes, "the lot of you" = Israel's apartheid apologists. You should know who you are by now.
cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Images for the fences in israel - Report images


0 Replies
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:32 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Yes, "the lot of you" = Israel's apartheid apologists. You should know who you are by now.

It's only "apartheid" if one subscribes to the false premise that the Palestineans deserve this or that. If one believes that they have no real homeland, and would do better to get to a better life somewhere else, then it is not apartheid, but perhaps a Pale of Settlement, a la the Jews of Czarist Russia. And, similarly, they might find somewhere that can be the stepping stone to upward mobility in western Europe, or the English speaking world. It was only apartheid in South Africa, since the Black citizens were citizens. The Palestineans are Arabs without a country. World War I really started their descent to the current situation, since the Ottoman Empire was really their citizenship. That ended with the defeat of the Central Powers, and the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire. Other than some principles in physics, everything has an original cause. Amazing how the western powers are neatly forgotten with setting the stage to the current situation. But, as a good little Gentile, you do know to blame the Jews.
cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:45 pm
The only thing Palestinians deserve is to be able to keep their own property - legally, move from one point to another in Israel without restrictions, and be able to live in a "real" democracy.

These are not "false premise" issues - unless you subscribe to the current conditions for Palestinians.

Simply put, it's not a democracy by its fundamental tenets.

In a real democracy, criminals are put into prison. Not by the wholesale imprisonment of a political or religious group.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:51 pm
Foofie says:
If one believes that they have no real homeland, and would do better to get to a better life somewhere else,

The Palestinians DO have a real homeland, and Israel is squatting on it, which makes Israel not a democracy, but a kleptocracy.
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:57 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

Foofie says:
If one believes that they have no real homeland, and would do better to get to a better life somewhere else,

The Palestinians DO have a real homeland, and Israel is squatting on it, which makes Israel not a democracy, but a kleptocracy.

Their homeland was supposed to be the other half of the British Mandate. The UN authorized the current Zionist state. Wars changed the borders. Palestineans only have a history of once belonging to the Ottoman Empire. The western powers defeated the Central Powers, and the Palestinean Arabs became downwardly mobile. Sad, but true.
cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Oct, 2013 06:10 pm
Where did you get your education?

Study: Israel leads in ignoring Security Council resolutions
NEW YORK - Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.
By Shlomo Shamir | Oct. 10, 2002 | 12:00 AM |

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