Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Tue 1 Oct, 2013 01:17 pm
Nice little speech. Now, how about addressing the fact that Isralie citizens are stealing palistianan lands and when the Pals protest that theft are shot and killed by the army who protect the thieves.
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 02:49 pm
You really don't understand do you? It's very disappointing. In a nutshell, Tottenham Hotspurs (Spurs) have a long history of Jewish supporters. This is the part of London that turned back marches by Mosley's British Union of Fascists in the 1930s. Their use of the Y word to describe themselves was an act of defiance against 1930s fascism as much as anything else.

Now it's seen as at best anachronistic, at worst offensive. Opinion is split right down the middle with non Jews and Jews on both sides of the argument. The other side says that because it's not used in a pejorative way, it's quite acceptable.

Btw, you do have a class system. You're always tugging your forelock and waxing lyrical about the rich WASPs in the country clubs.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 03:02 pm
Foofie wrote:
.Naturally, most Germans, that were West Germans would like to think that Germans are Germans; however, some of those older East Germans do look back on the Communist days with a longing.
"East Germans" were Germans as well - their nationality was neither 'Communist' nor 'East German'. ("West Germany" was called Federal Republic of Germany, "East Germany" German Democratic Republic.)
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 03:05 pm
Foofie wrote:
And, the West Germans paid a heavy price to bring East Germans into the capitalistic system, I thought.
You thought wrongly insofar that no "East German" was brought into a capitlistic system as long as she/he stayed in Germany ... "The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state." (Basic Law, Article 20.1)
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 03:17 pm
Foofie wrote:
One could make an argument for West Germany having been exploited?
It wasn't a cheap unification.

Germany achieved national unity in 1990 by following (the now changed) Article 23 of the Basic Law.
Article 23 stated that “this Basic Law” would apply to the eleven Länder listed in Article 23 and would also apply “in other parts of Germany” upon those parts’ “accession” to the FRG.
Article 23 Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

For the time being, this Basic Law shall apply in the territory of the Länder of Baden, Bavaria, Bremen, Greater Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine Westphalia, the Rhineland Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein, Württemberg-Baden, and Württemberg-Hohenzollern. In other parts of Germany it shall be put into force on their accession.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 03:21 pm
Foofie wrote:
The only statistic that is salient is the one you didn't show: the percentage of Jews in the U.S. that marry out of the religion.
Sorry that I missed that. However, I've copied/pasted and quoted all statistic of the source. And I've linked the source - when I just now checked it again, there isn't the one you said,I didn't show.

Could it be, Foofie, that you used a different source than the one I've linked?
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 07:08 pm
RABEL222 wrote:
Nice little speech. Now, how about addressing the fact that Isralie citizens are stealing palistianan lands and when the Pals protest that theft are shot and killed by the army who protect the thieves.

There is nothing factual about your vile anti-Semitism.
cicerone imposter
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 07:25 pm
From the Guardian.
Israeli settler filmed firing gun at Palestinian protesters

By Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian
Monday, May 21, 2012 11:14 EDT
Screen shot of Israeli settlers shooting at Palestinian protesters

A video released by an Israeli human rights group appears to show a settler firing a pistol at a group of Palestinian protesters while police and soldiers stand by.

The incident was filmed by Palestinians from the West Bank village of Asira al-Qibliya on Saturday afternoon. A 24-year-old Palestinian, Fathi Asayira, was taken to hospital with facial injuries following the shooting.

According to B’Tselem, which uploaded the footage to YouTube, a large group of settlers, some masked and armed, approached the village from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar and began throwing rocks and starting fires. After a group of Palestinians gathered and threw rocks in return at the settlers, Israeli police and soldiers arrived on the scene.

One of the settlers is seen crouching while aiming and then firing his pistol at the group of Palestinians. Another settler is seen firing an assault rifle.

“The video footage raises grave suspicions that the soldiers present did not act to prevent the settlers from throwing stones and firing live ammunition at the Palestinians,” said B’Tselem. “The soldiers did not try to remove the settlers and in fact are seen standing by settlers while they are shooting and stone throwing.”
cicerone imposter
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 07:28 pm
@cicerone imposter,
From JPost.com.

Palestinian dies after being shot during protest By BEN HARTMAN
11/19/2012 21:37

Rushdi Tamimi, 31 dies in Ramallah after he was shot by an IDF soldier during clashes in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh.
Tamimi was shot once in the lower back. Photo: YouTube Screenshot
Palestinian activist Abir Kopty of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee reported Monday that a Palestinian died in a Ramallah hospital two days after he was shot by an IDF soldier.

The incident took place in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh during clashes at protests against Operation Pillar of Defence.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 07:32 pm
Gee, surprise, surprise, Oralboy, you've been shown yet again to be serial liar.
Tue 1 Oct, 2013 07:57 pm
JTT wrote:
Gee, surprise, surprise, Oralboy, you've been shown yet again to be serial liar.

I note that, despite your name-calling, you did not show a single thing that was incorrect in what I said.
Wed 2 Oct, 2013 08:16 am
You didn't say anything save for another Oralboy lie.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Oct, 2013 09:32 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Foofie wrote:
Interestingly, politicians, be they democratic or facist, seem to get their way by appealing to German's great pride in being Germans, and should be willing to sacrifice to prevent, or vindicate, "humiliation."
Could you please explain what your "German's great pride in being Germans" has to do with the Berlin Wall, the border fences - the death zones?

Besides that, do you have any source/poll showing that "Germans are pride in being Germans"? (I mean 'generally', not among neo-Nazis or after won football matches.)

It wasn't cheap to assimilate the East Germans into the fabric of Germany. The wall allowed the profits of West Germany to be spent only on West Germans.

Regardless, Germans are known to have pride in their German ethnicity, even though it is played down today, in my opinion. Notice how Hitler got an audience stirred by harping on the humiliation of Germany losing WWI. He knew how to play to the emotions of the masses.

Even in the U.S., German-Americans pride themselves in their German ancestry for it supposedly affording one industriousness, and other positive qualities in a non-agrarian society. In the midwest, where the highest German-American population resides, having German ancestry puts one above the Scandanavians, even though they may be fellow Lutherans, in the eyes of people. Jokes have been made about Norwegian-Americans, and other groups, but not about German-Americans.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Oct, 2013 09:36 am
RABEL222 wrote:

Nice little speech. Now, how about addressing the fact that Isralie citizens are stealing palistianan lands and when the Pals protest that theft are shot and killed by the army who protect the thieves.

Why would I "address" it? You are not the professor. You can address it. Oh, you already have. But, you seem to be stuck in the belief that your position must be agreed to by others. Silly young man. I think you are exhibiting the Christian habit of needing to proselytize one's beliefs. I do not have that need. You can keep your beliefs, and any argument behind them, since you choose to dismiss my beliefs and any argument behind them.
Wed 2 Oct, 2013 09:39 am
As I said, nice little speech saying nothing at all.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Oct, 2013 09:55 am
izzythepush wrote:

Btw, you do have a class system. You're always tugging your forelock and waxing lyrical about the rich WASPs in the country clubs.

I have forlocks? I am secular. Anyway, wealthy WASP's might be in country clubs, or more likely cutting sagebrush on their ranches. or harvesting timber in their forests.

What is wrong with the U.S. class system? It keeps people in their rightful place. Especially, upstarts whose families came in the latter half of the 19th century (like mine). Jews are only safe, if you read history, when society is NOT in a state of flux. So, I applaud this being a country run by white Protestants (for the really essential functions). If Catholics ever truly became the wealthiest group, Jews might be banned from this or that, like in Europe. You can say I'm paranoid, except Catholics really have no use for anyone but Catholics, in my opinion, since there are enough Catholics to do everything, and disenfranchise others (an influx of Catholics would arrive in my nightmare the day after the U.S. became an official Catholic country). The country is too big for American Protestants to do everything, so there are functions remaining for others. I do not see myself as anti-Catholic. I just believe history has shown Jews (and secretly Protestants in my opinion) that Catholicism can really be the one game in town, so to speak, if allowed. And, in my opinion, Catholicism has a Caliphate, except he is called Pope. So, if westerners are concerned about the power of a Caliphate, I think the power of the Pope can also be an obstacle for the goals of others, relative to the profit motive in capitalism and military strength of a nation.

On another topic completely, last night I watched an entertaining episode of Doc Martin. How many years did that show produce episodes? Did he ever marry that school teacher in town? His honesty is just so inspiring.

cicerone imposter
Wed 2 Oct, 2013 10:00 am
Class system = rightful place? Wow, you are a dog. You have no idea how governments can impact the economy of the country and its people, and it has absolutely nothing to do with education, intelligence or ability.

No wonder you don't understand anything about the apartheid in Israel.

Wed 2 Oct, 2013 10:00 am
As you are on virtually everything, Foof, you are OTL on this nonsense you're spewing too.

How come your parents didn't think an education was important for you?
Wed 2 Oct, 2013 10:04 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Foofie wrote:
The only statistic that is salient is the one you didn't show: the percentage of Jews in the U.S. that marry out of the religion.
Sorry that I missed that. However, I've copied/pasted and quoted all statistic of the source. And I've linked the source - when I just now checked it again, there isn't the one you said,I didn't show.

Could it be, Foofie, that you used a different source than the one I've linked?

No. I just know from popular culture comments that American young Jews are marrying non-Jews at the rate of at least 51%. The reason? It has been commented that American Jews are considered "good help mates." Also, Jewish in-laws might be helpful financially also. Plus, for every Jewish male that doesn't want a wife that fits the stereotypical overbearing Jewish mother, or other female relatives, there is a Christian girl that wants a husband that values an intelligent spouse, and LISTENS TO HER. And, of the entire statistic, there are Jewish girls that are marrying Christian men too. It appears that many of these marriages are between Jews and Catholics. Protestants "tend" to be insular in this respect, in my opinion.

This is mostly amongst the secular Jews who are the greatest proportion of American Jews, even though the Orthodox are the most visible for obvious reasons.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Oct, 2013 10:10 am
@cicerone imposter,
I just love the way Fluff constantly ties himself up in knots. He berates the UK for its class system then praises his own. His reasoning is based on nothing but ignorance and paranoia.

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