Quote:You incessantly complain about the treatment of Pals by Israel despite that, in all the battles with the Pals over the years, Israel has killed a grand total of 10,000 Pals. Considering this, shouldn't you focus on the actions of the Japanese rather than trying to constantly trash Israel and its people?
First, can we put this completely nonsensical "argument" to sleep, ..., no to death. The crimes of one person or of one country cannot be smoothed over by pointing to the crimes of another person or other countries.
Quote:In just a single battle, Japan killed over 300,000 innocents and soldiers. The battle is now called the rape of Nanking due to the horrific actions of the Japanese.
It's odd how well known the Rape of Nanking is but the Rape of the Philippines or the Rape of Cuba or the Rape of Korea or the Rape of Vietnam or the Rape of Nicaragua, or the Rape of Cambodia or the Rape of Chile or the Rape of ... are not near as well known nor are they ever discussed.
The US has been every bit as brutal as the Japanese and the really odd thing, the US has been continually doing these Rapes since 1898, with hardly a breath between them.
NANKING WAS NOT A SINGLE BATTLE. It took place over a six week period[1].
All footnotes refer to,
unless otherwise noted
Quote:Denial of the massacre (and a divergent array of revisionist accounts of the killings) has become a staple of Japanese nationalism.[11] In Japan, public opinion of the massacres varies, and few deny the occurrence of the massacre outright.[11] Nonetheless, recurring attempts by negationists to promote a revisionist history of the incident have created controversy that periodically reverberates in the international media, particularly in China, South Korea, and other East Asian nations.
Take out references to Japan and insert the USA and we see that same thing happening, a much much worse denial occurs in the US. We see that same denial from the vast majority of A2Kers, and the ones who are honest enough to acknowledge the myriad US war crimes and terrorism acquiesce in others' denials. Yes, that's you too, Advocate.
It sickens me too much to post more so y'all can proudly read what the American boys did at the following link. It was to become the routine for the next 112 years, American gross brutality just to steal poor people's bread.
Talk about war being “hell,” this war beats the hottest estimate ever made of that locality. Caloocan was supposed to contain seventeen thousand inhabitants. The Twentieth Kansas swept through it, and now Caloocan contains not one living native. Of the buildings, the battered walls of the great church and dismal prison alone remain. The village of Maypaja, where our first fight occurred on the night of the fourth, had five thousand people in it at that day,—now not one stone remains upon top of another. You can only faintly imagine this terrible scene of desolation. War is worse than hell.
Leonard F. Adams, of Ozark, in the Washington Regiment:
I don’t know how many men, women, and children the Tennessee boys did kill. They would not take any prisoners. One company of the Tennessee boys was sent into headquarters with thirty prisoners, and got there with about a hundred chickens and no prisoners.
Talk about dead Indians! Why, they are lying everywhere. The trenches are full of them........More harrowing still: think of the brave men from this country, men who were willing to sacrifice their lives for the freedom of Cuba, dying in battle and from disease, in a war waged for the purpose of conquering people who are fighting as the Cubans fought against Spanish tyranny and misrule. There is not a feature of the whole miserable business that a patriotic American citizen, one who loves to read of the brave deeds of the American colonists in the splendid struggle for American independence, can look upon with complacency, much less with pride. This war is reversing history. It places the American people and the government of the United States in the position occupied by Great Britain in 1776. It is an utterly causeless and defenseless war, and it should be abandoned by this government without delay. The longer it is continued, the greater crime it becomes—a crime against human liberty as well as against Christianity and civilization........Those not killed in the trenches were killed when they tried to come out........No wonder they can’t shoot, with that light thrown on them; shells bursting and infantry pouring in lead all the time. Honest to God, I feel sorry for them.
F. A. Blake, of California, in charge of the Red Cross: