@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
You Jews think you are "betters" than others when in fact it's the individual that proves whether they are better humans. Get over yourselves as being special; Jews also have the same uneducated, dumb, and ignorant people. You're a good example.
We Jews are also getting taller. How about your fellow Japanese-Americans?
But, since so many people are so aware of my being Jewish, I do feel like some sort of celebrity.
It's not that Jews feel "special." I do think many just do not have the Gentile habit of wanting to associate with anyone, so to speak. Part of the Jewish culture seems to impart, in my opinion, a set of standards, as to who to associate with. So, perhaps, many do try to associate with college educated, non-Jews of certain backgrounds. That could exclude many, and those excluded might likely think that Jews feel "better" than them. It might just be that many Jews are exercising the same descriminating attitude that many upper class WASP's exercise. In other words, there are more groups in the U.S. that "act" with an elitism. Jews might be one of those groups. What's wrong with that, if some Jews only want to associate with what they consider peers?
Plus, they may not all relate well to those that seem "different" from what they are used to? I could not really initially relate well to you. You would blame my Jewishness. I would blame your being raised in a certain socio-economic group. Sorry, if I am class conscious. So are many others, especially WASP's in my opinion. They get a free pass to be exclusive, but Jews have to rub elbows with every Gentile that wants to be friendly with some Jew? Stop with the liberal crap. You still have the stigma in some people's minds of having had a hard, unfortunate early life, and they just might not feel comfortable with you, regardless of how you overcame that early experience. You might not be understanding me, since I believe you subscribe to a very liberal/progressive world view.
The short answer is that many Jews are no less clannish than many other groups. Plus, if they are secular, that clannishness might just have been extrapolated to educated Gentiles of a certain socio-economic background.
Plus, let's be honest, some people are bigoted against certain other groups. That is not based on being "special." Just that they choose to relate only to certain folks that they feel comfortable with. And, you would not feel comfortable with me, regardless of my Jewishness. Nor would I feel comfortable with you. The world you live in is so big. Mine is much smaller.