InfraBlue wrote:
Genetically speaking, the difference is where the intermarrying occured, and the frequency of the admixture thereof.
However, Rin Tin Tin was originally one shepherd of mixed ancestry that then was developed, on purpose, into its own gene pool, so Germany had its own authentic German shepherd. The other shepherds in Germany did not breed with the Rin Tin Tin line (gene pool), so their descendants literaly "regressed to the mean" and are mutts somewhere.
So, if Palestineans have removed themselves from mixing with other Arabs, they can be said to have their own gene pool. And, Israeli Jews can be said to be developing their own gene pool, once again. The point of contention is whether the world is willing to allow them to do this, since there is more than six million Jews missing in 2013, having had six million taken out of the European gene pool back in WWII. It has to do with making amends for genocide. Not looking backwards to see who is authentically an indigenous person of the middle east. If that was the criteria, Americans better give the land back to the Native Americans.
P.S.: But your use of the word "admixture" does sound sort of professorial, and adds a panache to your one-sided position, in my opinion.
P.P.S.: The thinking you espouse is somewhat late, since from 1948 to today, there are already around three generations of native born (Sabra) Israelis, quite mixed between Sephardim and Ashkenazim, since the universal draft has a big effect on the mixing of the two populations. Now the world has a population of Sabras that lay claim to the land, as an indigenous population. Regardless, from your ivory tower, where you get to use big words, like "admixture," the situation is out of your control and others that have the world's problems on their minds. Quite funny, in my opinion.